Warning letters are common practice in everyday office work. Whenever an employee is found violating the company rules s/he is issued a warning letter. The purpose of the warning letter is to correct the behavior of an employee. Following are given warning letter samples for various unprofessional behaviors. These behaviors are common among many possible behaviors at workplaces.
Bullying or berating others
Sometimes employees consider themselves as powerful due to their hierarchical level or simply due to their personality. As a result, they often get involved in bullying, intimidating, criticizing or scolding other colleagues. In such scenarios, they
Warning letter
Dear Mr. Will,
I am writing this letter as a warning for your bullying behavior in your department.
We have received numerous complaints against you for bullying your colleagues. As a manager, you should be a source of motivation for your employees instead you are making them fearful of you. Resultantly, their performance has decreased drastically over the last few months.
You are aware of the company policies and know that ABC Limited do not tolerate such behavior. We are issuing you a warning letter which will turn into a termination letter if you do not change your behavior.
We hope to see a change. If you have any questions, you can contact us at [Contact].

Physical or verbal intimidation
Employees often indulge in unprofessional behavior in terms of being physically or verbally intimidating towards other employees. The reason is, usually, to show one’s dominance or power over the others to make them frightened so they can be in your control.
Warning letter
Dear Mr. Ross,
I am writing this warning letter regarding verbal as well as physical intimidation on 20th December 2018.
Mr. Jimmy Watson came to you to highlight your mistakes (which was his duty) of the report on XYZ project. Instead of handling that professionally, you started shouting at him and even pushed him in front of the other employees.
You should know that such behavior is intolerable in our company. You are a new employee here which is why we are issuing you a warning letter for now. If this behavior persists, we would have to terminate you. We expect you to change your behavior as well as apologize to Mr. Watson.
For any questions, contact us at [Contact].

Derogatory verbal or physical behavior
In a workplace, employees often insult or make derogatory comments toward others. This demotivates the employee who is being insulted and if a rectifying action is not taken by the employer, it affects the overall company’s performance and productivity.
Warning letter
Dear Ms. Nancy,
I am writing this warning letter in response to a couple of complaints that have been filed against you by the clerical staff.
Out of the five clerical staff members, four of them have made repeated complaints against your derogatory behavior toward them. Even if you are rich or holds a higher designation, it does not mean you can insult the employees working under you. You need to improve your dealing with them as well as give them respect.
We value all our employees equally and if you do not change your unprofessional derogatory behavior, you will have to face an unfortunate decision from us in terms of your termination.
We hope to see a change and you can contact us at [Contact] for any questions.

Directing profanity toward others
In the unprofessional behavior of profanity, employees swear at other employees or use bad words. This behavior impacts the workplace atmosphere and employees feel insulted and disrespected.
Warning letter
Dear Mr. Ben,
This letter is being written to you to warn you about improving your unprofessional behavior.
Your profanity is affecting your whole department and many employees have approached the HR department with their resignations, saying they cannot work in such a disrespectful and insulting workplace. We have promised them about putting an end to this behavior which is affecting their self-respect.
You need to change your behavior and stop using the swearing words for others. This is your first and last warning. If anything like this continues, we will not tolerate that and fire you.
We hope to see a change. If you have any questions, you can contact us at [Contact].

Humiliating behavior
When employees use bad words, indulge in verbal or physical insults, disrespects, scolds unnecessarily, shouts, etc., the victim employee feels humiliated. This cannot continue in an organization, if it wants to strive and succeed.
Warning letter
Dear Mr. Swift,
I am writing this warning letter after observing your humiliating behavior toward your colleagues in various situations.
Although you are our exceptional employee and we value you, but your humiliating behavior and sarcastic comments are making other employees uncomfortable and they feel disrespected and demotivated which we have observed clearly.
Our company cannot tolerate your sarcastic comments or your making fun of others about their work, character, etc. If you do not control your behavior, after this warning letter, you would, unfortunately, receive a termination letter.
We hope to see a change and hope that you would start respecting others. For any questions, you can contact us at [Contact].

Mobbing occurs when employees form a group and try to attack other employees together by using comments, disrespecting, or making fun of others. This is different than a union as this is an informal group which is based on friendship, acquaintance or similar purpose. They attack others to show their power and control them.
Warning letter
Dear Mr. Jack,
I am writing this letter to warn you against your unprofessional behavior of mobbing.
Few people from your department complained against you and your group which pushed us to investigate the matter. After observing various situations, we have come to realize that you have made a group, with people having similar interests as yours, to take other employees under your control. This warning letter is being issued to you as you clearly have been observed as the leader of that group.
We, at ABC corporation, cannot tolerate this. All our employees are valuable to us. You need to stop this mobbing else, we would have to consider the termination of your whole group.
We hope you would stop this mobbing and show a change. If you have any questions, you can contact us at [Contact].