Warning letters are thought of as an extremely reliable way of resolving issues pertaining to any organization. When any act of an individual harms the healthy working environment of the organization, in order to maintain a peaceful environment, the employee is first warned verbally of his actions. But if still, he fails to change himself according to the given guidelines then a piece of paper better known as the Warning Letter is issued in the name of the employee to warn him to stop his act of misconduct else serious action can be taken against him in future.
It is believed that it is not only the employee’s responsibility but also the employers to help maintain a good working environment. If an employee feels that he is not given his due right in the organization, he can talk to the senior management about this and ask them for devising a suitable solution.
Likewise, if the senior management feels that the employee’s actions are not conducive to the working environment they too can talk to the employees face to face regarding the issue and help resolve the problem together. In this way, it helps to devise a peaceful solution to the problem without hurting anyone’s sentiments.
A warning letter is one of the tools which is used by an employer when he had attempted to stop his employee from his actions harming the environment through verbal conversation but has failed to correct his actions timely.
Sample letter
Mr. Henry
TRG Group of companies
Mr. Harold
Sales executive
TRG group of companies.
Dated: 28th October 20XX
Subject: Warning for sloppy and unorganized work
Dear Harold,
It has been noticed at several events that your attitude towards work is not serious. Though you complete your tasks you certainly fail to do so in an organized manner. Moreover, the way you carry your work is rather a careless attitude of yours which leads you to miss out on minute details of the tasks assigned to you.
Last week when you had to give a presentation of the sales report you had put the first thing last and the last thing first which made every individual sitting in the hall unable to understand what you intended to present. Second thing two days back when I had asked you to present your presentation to me in my office you had all of a sudden lost your laptops charging cable due to which I could not view your presentation. Harold this attitude of yours is certainly not acceptable.
You need to manage things in an organized way. Through this letter, I intend to warn you of your careless attitude else serious action may be taken against you. You are one of our valued employees who has worked in the best interest of the company. We do wish to work with you in the future but this attitude of yours is becoming a hindrance to our co-cordial relationship.
I hope to see a positive change in you.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Henry
TRG group of companies.