When working in an organization there are certain boundaries sketched around you, remaining in these boundaries you are allowed to exercise your authority which has been given to you with respect to the position you hold in the organization. Being authoritative brings responsibilities. One should not forget that when you are at a certain position, your behavior should not harm others thus deteriorating the company’s environment.
A good leader is one who takes his team along with him and in doing so appreciates the efforts of his team. But sometimes it is possible that your leader turns out to be a disaster when he starts misusing his/her power to exercise authority.
When an employee has given authority misuses the same by imposing danger or threatening others, the employer after proper interrogation issues a letter in the name of the employee known as the Warning letter for imposes possible danger or threat to another employee.
In this letter, the employer warns the employee to stop misusing his power while highlighting the possible consequences of not following or meeting the desired expectations. The employer can either revert the employee to his/her previous position or terminate him/her if the problem persists.
The purpose of the warning letter is to stop the employee from misusing his/her authority. If the employee after receiving the letter still does not correct himself/herself then he/she can be terminated from the organization.
The warning letter stars by mentioning the employer’s name and designation at the topmost left corner of the document. Employers’ address is also mentioned. Below it is mentioned the employee’s name and designation followed by his address. It is very important to state the date on which letter is issued and the subject. When addressing the employee, the word dear along with the employee’s name should be used. When closing the letter, a space for signatures should be left at the bottom left corner.
Sample letter
Mr. Ben
NBA Pharmaceutical
Mr. Sam
Manager Sales
NBA Pharmaceutical
Dated: 23rd July, 20XX
Subject: Warning letter for posing danger to staff or threatening another employee
Dear Sam,
A week ago, we had chosen you to be the supervisor of the sales department as a result of your increased performance. It has not been too late for us to know that since the day you had been the acting supervisor, your attitude as changed. You have started giving deadlines to your subordinates with no ample time for them to complete the work in due course. Moreover, you have on the company’s behalf devised new rules and regulations for your department without even consulting the management. Sam, this attitude of yours, to be very frank will not be tolerated anymore.
You have been a hard worker who has always worked in the best interest of the company. Your dedication over the years towards work is commendable. It was for this reason that you were our first choice of being the new supervisor, but it seems that you are on the way to prove us wrong. We had earlier talked to you regarding the above-mentioned issue, but you had paid no attention to it. If this behavior of yours continues, I am afraid that we will have to revert our decision.
Think over it and feel free to talk to us regarding the issue. We hope to hear positive from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Ben
NBA Pharmaceutical