Warning letters have gained popularity over the years as they are considered as the safest means of resolving an issue after a verbal warning has been given. Warning letters simply put together helps the organization in moving its employee’s actions in the right direction.
Warning letters are written in a truly professional tone and manner. Its base should not be any personal grudge between you and the organization if any is present as a personal grudge being made the base of the letter will only make matters worse between the organization and the employee and make the letter null and void.
These letters address the employee of his non-corrective measures that have disrupted the company’s environment in any manner as it is very important to maintain a healthy working environment within the organization. Here it is important to mention that it is not only the employee’s responsibility to make efforts for a conducive working environment, but it is also the employer’s responsibility to play his role in maintaining a healthy environment.
These letters are issued by the employer in the name of the employee to let him know that his actions are creating a non-conducive working environment in the organization.
The employee in this letter is also intimated by the consequences of not trying to correct his actions as desired by the employee. But all this should be drafted out in a truly professional manner remaining in the context of your designation and not harming the other person’s sentiments.
Sample letter
Mr. Tom,
ABC International.
Mr. Green,
Manager Accounts,
ABC International
Dated: 21st September 20XX
Subject: Warning for arguing with Mr. Meezo
Dear Mr. Green,
It is very unfortunate that you have been a part of a series of events in which you had argued unnecessarily with your supervisor. It was observed that during our last meeting when your supervisor advised you to come early at work as you had been coming late for the past many days, instead of following his commands you had abruptly started arguing with him while presenting so many excuses which were all void.
I had warned you there and then to stop arguing with your supervisor and listen to what he says. You had thereupon agreed to follow what has been said. But a week after the incident you had again managed to argue with your supervisor regarding the same issue. Green you must realize that you are at fault.
We have had the privilege of working with you in a very healthy atmosphere and we wish to work with you in the future as well. But this attitude of yours is becoming a hindrance to our healthy relationship.
Through this letter, I intend to warn you of your actions. Green you need to stop them now or else serious action will be taken against you. I hope to hear positive from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Tom
ABC International.