Dear boss, your formal appreciation made my day. I am feeling more energetic and enthusiastic to explore my skills to perform to the best of my abilities for the company. Your encouragement means a lot to me, thank you!
I would like to take this opportunity to pay my gratitude to your acknowledgment of my diligence and the hard work I have been doing for the company’s growth. I feel pumped and boosted up to perform better now.
I am grateful to have a boss like you who does not let an opportunity go wasted to reckon his employee’s dedication. Our spirits are high, and we are ready to conquer any challenging situation now.
Dear sir, please accept this message as my thank you note for appreciating my dedication to your company. I am humbled that you have reckoned my investments of time and energy. I assure you that you will see me emerge as the new talent of your company.
Respected boss, the way you value your employees’ efforts and accomplishments is unparalleled. Your compassionate and empathetic nature is turning out to be a great source of encouragement and performance booster for us. Please keep mentoring us!
Being in your supervision is the best thing any of your employees could have because you are an institution of your own. Through your kind advice and counseling, we will soon hit a peak of success. Thank you for always appreciating me and my colleagues for our due dedication.
Your encouragement and support mean a lot to me as it gives me new hopes and aspirations to work better and craft the best of my skills. Your recent appreciation of my successful project has incited a new zeal in me to learn more and adopt new market-related strategies. Thank you for being free of cost motivational power that you always are!
I believe not many people could be as lucky as I am to have a boss like you who would constantly boost up his workers’ morale with small gestures of appreciation. I truly value your evaluations and find them to be quite a support in my professional growth. I want you to know that I and my team have a high opinion of you.
I am truly humbled to receive such words of respect and regard from a boss like you. It really means a lot to me. I feel like you have paid high to the efforts I made through your open and bold appreciation of my work. Thank you for always believing in me. I will not let you down in the future too!
Dear Ma’am, thank you for recognizing the hard work I have been doing for the company’s growth. Your realization has sparked a new fire in me to carry out the official matters even better. I look forward to hearing more positive reviews from you. Thank you again!