Student life is full of responsibility and one cannot be successful without fulfilling it. Every student needs some basic tools that help him complete his school or homework efficiently. Following are given some templates that one student may need at times to complete his tasks.
Weekly Homework Schedule Template
Homework is the most hectic word in the life of a student. Almost every student hates the word and the action behind it. The workload is given by the teachers! Almost no one cares to do that. This results in a decrease in grades. For this purpose, a weekly homework schedule works best.
A weekly homework schedule helps the students in all ways. They can easily maintain a balance between their leisure and homework.

Schedule File
Weekly Class Schedule Template
Weekly class schedules help students manage their classwork on weekly basis. It provides space to write all the important tasks in order so that you can work on them efficiently.

Class Schedule File
Thesis Cover Page Template
A thesis is a statement that is put forward as an assertion for approval. Formatting a thesis is hectic unless you take help from someone. Below written is the best professional format for a thesis;
- First of all, comes the title page, which includes all the information like;
- The title of the document
- Name of an individual
- Degree Name
- Graduation year
- Authorized programs for the degree
- Secondly, the copyright page, which includes your name as written on the title page.
- The abstract comes in the last part, which includes the university name, your name, thesis title, and academic title.
- Make sure of the proper use of language without spelling mistakes.
Following the above-given information can help you prepare a professional thesis.

Thesis Format File
Weekly Task Planner
Plans are a part of life. Nothing can be done wisely without plans. So, it is necessary for every individual to make a weekly plan to run the week smoothly. This same action applies to the students. The student weekly planning calendar is mandatory for the students. This calendar benefits greatly in a variety, of managing the work. With a weekly planning calendar, the students can easily manage their tasks, including their studies and extracurricular activities.

Weekly Calendar File
Travel Permission Form Template
A student travel permission form helps students to travel on school trips. It is a handy document granted to the students, to take permission from their parents for school trips.

Form Template
Student of the Month Certificate
Every student in the school strives for the Student of the Month certificate. A certificate is a document granted to the students on their perfect results in all manners including behavior and exam grading. The student of the month certificate is a highly weighted certificate among the documents on the school premises as it truly defines the student’s hard work to achieve it.

Certificate Template
Student Grade Tracker & GPA Calculator
Grade trackers and GPA calculators have always been used in schools, colleges, and universities for many years. This calculator and tracker help the students to find out their place and rank in the class.
It is a fact that students have always been in a competition to win more grades than others. For that purpose, all they do is work hard. This GPA calculator and grade tracker help them to find out what grades they have got in the exams.

Grade & GPA Tracker Template