Additional Staff Hiring Request Letter
Given our latest project, I would like to request you for additional staff hiring. The current members of my department are already committed to other work duties. They will not be able to cope with any extra responsibilities to meet the deadline for the new project. I, therefore, request you to hire three new employees to serve as (names of specific posts) in the department.
With the additional staff, the overall responsibilities will be shared. This, in turn, will help in improving the productivity of my team.
Since the project needs to be delivered in a month, the new hiring must be done at our priority. Please consider my request as it is important for the success of the entire organization.
I eagerly await your response.

Proposal Letter to Hire Additional Staff
With due respect, I wish to present a proposal for new staff hiring. As the company is growing, our client base is also expanding. Additionally, we have an increasing number of projects to accomplish. It is, therefore, time to expand our office team.
Hiring new staff members will have the following potential benefits for our organization.
- The overall work efficiency will increase because tasks
may be shared among more employees. - As the work burden decreases for the existing
employees, the company will be able to prevent turnover. - Increased productivity will enable us to tackle a
larger number of projects. As a result, we can expect annual revenue to
increase. - A larger team will create a positive image for the
company’s portfolio.
Considering the above, I believe it is going to be productive for the company to undertake additional staff hiring. A short survey may be carried out internally to evaluate each department’s staff requirements. We can then proceed accordingly with the recruitment process.
If you are interested in my proposal, I will be available for a meeting to discuss the idea further. I look forward to your response.

Manpower Recruitment Letter
As the team leader for the ABC project, I am writing to request the Head of the HR Department for manpower recruitment. We need 25 experienced male laborers to work at the project site on a contractual basis for 12 months.
You will find attached details of our requirements and conditions for the needed workforce. Kindly take immediate action to initiate the recruitment process. Timely recruitment will help us avoid delays in the project.
Please email me for any queries or further information.

Request Letter for Manpower Supply
ABC Company is issuing an official request to your agency for the supply of skilled manpower. As discussed in our meeting, we require a workforce for our new office in Sydney.
Please find attached details of our requirements as well as the company’s terms and conditions. You are requested to supply the relevant manpower by the 19th of November.
Kindly contact us in case of any queries.