When an employee working in an organization is dissatisfied by the salary he is being given for fulfilling his job duties he at first can talk to the relevant authorities for giving him an appraise in his salary but if after the verbal conversation he still does not see his demand being made then he writes a letter to his employer stating a raise in his current salary. This letter is known as the salary issue complaint letter.
Though the salary issue is settled at the time of hiring the employee then why comes the need for a raise in salary? The answer to the question is simple. When an individual is hired by an organization at a certain pay scale to which the employee has agreed to in good terms, with time when the employee puts in his hard work and effort and makes the company progress then he feels a need for his salary being appraised by the company.
It is important to mention here that this appraise in salary cannot be demanded when an employee has worked for a short period of time in the organization. He has to work in full capacity for a variable period of time to demand an appraise in salary.
The employee in the letter must state the reason as to why he should be given a salary raise. Evidence supporting his point of view should also be given which would let the employer consider him for salary appraise. This evidence provided by the employer must justify his demand.
Sample letter
Mr. Fred,
ABC Enterprise, London.
Mr. Smith,
Sales Executive,
ABC Enterprise, London.
Respected Sir,
With due respect, it is stated that I, Smith have been working in your company ABC Enterprise for the past 5 years in the capacity of Sales Executive. I have been fulfilling all my duties and responsibilities sincerely throughout this period. My progress within the company can be easily seen from my progress chart. Last year when I was working on our project [X], I helped made a huge profit for the company with my innovative ideas and the following year I designed a new sales strategy which has helped us gain more share in the market and I am extremely thankful that the company has recognized my efforts by presenting me with an award of recognition.
Sir, I am very thankful to the company for appreciating my efforts but with this appreciation, I need a raise in my salary as my current salary is not contemporary to my skills. I had earlier talked to our Department head regarding my salary appraisal but I guess he was unable to process my request to you. I decided to write to you personally of salary appraise as with my current salary package I am unable to meet both ends.
I hereby request you to review my salary package so that I may be able to manage my courses easily.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Smith,
Sales Executive,
ABC Enterprise, London.