1. Doctor Appointment
Respectfully, I want to notify you that my monthly OB/GYN check-up is scheduled for this coming Thursday, 17th March at 11 am. I request you to let me work from home on the mentioned date.
I realize that taking a day off this week might lead to a delay in the submission of our monthly feasibility report. However, my appointment cannot be rescheduled since it is an important check-up for my second trimester. Working from home is, therefore, a viable option. I shall be available through email and phone calls as soon as I am back home from the doctor.
I look forward to your approval.

2. Dentist appointment
I would like to request you to work from home on Friday, 7th April since I have a dentist’s appointment on the said day.
I will be having a root extraction procedure performed on me. My dentist has advised me to rest at home after the procedure. I will, therefore, not be able to attend the office. However, I will continue my work on the XYZ report at home.
Kindly approve my request. I shall be grateful to you.

3. Car Trouble
I am writing to put in a request to work from home for the next 3 days. My car is at the workshop for some repairs. I have been traveling to the office by public transport for the past 2 days. However, public transit does not suit me. The commute takes an hour and a half from the metro station to the office. It is too time-consuming and exhausting for me.
Considering the situation, kindly approve my request to work from home.

4. Housework
I respectfully request you allow me to work from home tomorrow, 11th May. My maid will be taking a day off tomorrow and I will not have any help with the housework. I want to stay at home so that I am able to manage my chores along with the office work.
Your cooperation shall be appreciated.

5. Family Emergency
I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend the office today owing to a family emergency. However, I am available through email and will be working from home.
I will mail the requested price quotes to the XYZ client today. As soon as I receive the order list, I will fax Mr. John.
I seek your cooperation and thank you for your kindness.

6. Vet Appointment
I am writing to seek your permission to work from home this Thursday the 7th of February. I have to take my pet dog to the vet for his monthly vaccination.
Please approve my request. Thank you in anticipation.

7. Sick Kids
I beg to state that I will be unable to attend the office for the next 2 days. Both my kids are suffering from flu and I have to stay at home to look after them.
I shall work from home and will be available for any urgent tasks. Please contact me by email or call me for any work-related discussion. I have briefed Miss XYZ to keep me updated about the client’s orders. I shall be in touch with them through WhatsApp and phone.
Thank you for your consideration.

8. Jury Duty
As discussed with you yesterday, I have to perform jury duty next week on Monday, the 17th of February. Depending on the nature of the case, the hearing might extend to a couple of days or more. Consequently, I will be unable to show up at the office. However, I do not want to take off from work and face a salary deduction for the missed days of work. I, therefore, request you let me work from home.
I assure you that I will manage my work tasks from home. I shall be in touch with my team members through email and WhatsApp.
Looking forward to your consideration and cooperation.

9. Burglary
I am writing to notify you that I will not be able to come to the office today and will be working from home instead. There has been a burglary at my house last night. Although my family and I have not been harmed, some of our valuable stuff has been stolen. I need to stay at home today since the police will be visiting for an investigation.
I will mail you the XYZ report in a couple of hours. I will also be in touch with the clients for their orders and will keep updating you accordingly.
I seek your cooperation. Thank you.

10. Colonoscopy
This is an official request to work from home for two days, dated the 6th and 7th of June. I have a scheduled colonoscopy due on the 6th of June. The doctor has advised rest for at least 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.
Kindly allow me to stay at home on the dates mentioned above. I will coordinate with my team through email to continue working on our monthly report.
I thank you in advance for your kindness and consideration.

11. Waiting for Online Order Delivery
I am expecting an online delivery from Amazon for my special skin medication over the next couple of days. Since I live in a crowded hostel, packages are often lost if the receiver is not present at the time of the delivery. Considering this issue, kindly grant me permission to work from home till the delivery has been made so that I am available to receive it in person.
It will only take a day or two. I will be back in the office right after I have received my parcel. Till then, I will be communicating with my team through email to continue working on our ongoing project.
I shall be really grateful to you for your kind approval.

12. Migraine
Regretfully, I will not be able to attend the office today owing to a migraine attack. Kindly permit me to work from home.
I shall be grateful for your kindness.