Letter -1
(Target Company’s name)
(Target Company’s address)
Subject: Duplicate fee bill
Dear Sir,
I, Meezo Craig, am a regular vendor of your company for the ABC products (you can mention the details of the product here with the reference numbers if you still remember) writing to request a duplicate of the invoice for your last purchase from me.
On account of some unfortunate events, I have lost the bill receipt. Sadly, I do not also remember the reference number of the bill discussed nor any other details such as who signed the contract from your end. However, I do recall it was a total of 20 XYZ products sold at [X] (mention the date). Each product was sold at $50 each. (Mention any other relevant details to help the concerned authorities recognize your products easily).
I am having great difficulty in processing my record without the invoice as my yearly audit is due. Moreover, the bill contains sensitive information about my finances. Hence, I would like to request you to issue me a duplicate fee bill for the invoice in the discussion. I shall be grateful to you and much appreciate it if you prioritize it and issue me the duplicate bill.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at [X] or email me at [email]. I am available 24/7.
ABC Solutions, (Your company name)
(Your signature)

Letter -2
To whom it may concern,
Subject: Request for Duplicating the Bill
Dear Sir,
On behalf of my company Skyrocket Solutions, I am writing this letter with great regret to bring it to your attention that we have had a department shifting recently. Owing to this, we have lost a couple of crucial documents including the invoice for our last purchase from your company. The nature of this invoice is quite significant for us and thus we cannot help but request you to make a duplicate of the bill.
The bill had all the important information written about the products including the reference numbers, and others. This detail is of great significance for our Finance department and the credibility of our audit.
Please release a duplicate of the invoice for us so we could carry on with our internal financial affairs. The reference number of the bill was xyz09876 and it was a total of 50 products (you can also mention the product name) worth $100 each.
Please accept our sincere apology for this inconvenience we are subjecting you to. We assure you it will not occur again as we will invest special care for the handling of our bills from now on. Also, we are introducing a digital system for the documents.
Should you have any questions to ask, please do not hesitate to reach us at [X] or call me at [X] anytime during work hours. We will try our best to assist you in this whole process.
Mark McDonalds,
Skyrocket Solutions,