I am writing this letter to you as a warning after your misconduct in class. You are working here with us for the last ten years and I am noticing your changing attitude for some time. I had warned you verbally but you did not take my warning seriously. Now the matter has reached to a serious level and there are more complaints about your inadequate behavior.
As far as I know, you are a teacher of strict manners and belong to a noble family. Your teaching methods had inspired us a lot and that’s why I promoted you to the head of senior wings. I had a lot of expectations from you that you will contribute a lot to the school’s progress but you disappoint me with your unprofessional behavior.
Moreover, I came to know that you do not behave well with the students and use abusive language in class. Yesterday, a mother along with her son came to my office and registered a complaint against you.
We cannot afford this kind of attitude in our school and expect teachers to behave well with the students rather than create a rough environment for them.
It is to inform you that not a single event of unprofessional behavior will be tolerated anymore. If next time such kind of complaint comes we will not have any other option than to terminate you.
I hope that you will pay full attention to this letter and keep this warning in your mind as well.

(Sample -2)
I hope you are doing well. I received a complaint letter against you from one of the parents of our 8th-grade student Charles Dickens. They met me personally in my office today and discussed the matters. I was not expecting all this from you. You are among one of the few teachers who is a member of the student-teacher counseling center and this act of yours is a violation of the rules.
They told me that in a parent-teacher meeting, you did not behave well and instead of discussing the class progress of the student, you started discussing their personal matters. You know that this school is one of the best schools in the town and parents send their children here to get a good education but your ill-mannered way of dealing with parents has damaged the reputation of the school. I also received the same complaints from other staff members about you.
I am warning you that if I receive any more complaints like this, I will have no other option left than to exclude you.
I hope that you will change your attitude. The teachers like you are meant to work professionally and focus on children’s education and character-building but you have disappointed me a lot.
If you are facing any kind of issue you can discuss it with me. Moreover, I want you to meet me personally tomorrow; you have to visit my office between 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
Christopher Robin