Re. Rental Agreement Letter w.r.t Lease Contract Attached
To Whom It May Concern, It is to notify you that the landlord Mr. [NAME] has agreed to rent out his house to the tenant Mr./Ms. [NAME]. They have bound themselves into a contract that stipulates certain conditions given below.
The agreement has been referenced with a lease contract that is attached to the letter. The lease contract has been duly signed by the magistrate and investigation officer of the local police. To ensure more transparency, copies of different required documents have been attached.
Both parties agreed to the stipulations made. Therefore, you are notified to look at the agreement and approve this tenancy. The tenant has a job in the town and wants to shift to the house as soon as possible. Therefore, we will be very glad and thankful if you do it on priority.
To know anything which is not mentioned in the letter, please email at [EMAIL] or call at [PHONE].
The landlord is a doctor by profession who has been living in his Residency-II at [ADDRESS]. He has rented the house to the tenant Mr./Ms. [NAME] who is also a doctor by profession at [LOCATION].
Both parties agree upon the one-year duration of the agreement. In case of further, contract renewal will be done through the required channel. The tenant shall pay [$X] to the landlord through an online mobile banking transaction, by hand in cash or cheque, or through bank deposit by the 15th of every month. In case of late payment that exceeds five days from the mentioned date, the tenant shall pay $300 extra as compensation.
Moreover, an advance payment in the lieu of a security fund has been deposited by the tenant in the landlord’s bank account.
Please approve the rental agreement that is effective from [DATE] to [DATE]. Thank you.

Option -2:
Re. Rental Agreement Letter (RAL)
Dear Sir,
The letter has been written to get your kind approval of the rental agreement that is agreed between [Mr./Ms. NAME], the landlord/landlady, and [Mr./Ms. NAME], the tenant.
Their credentials are as follows:
Landlord Details:
ID Number:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
ICE Number:
Account Details (that will be used for the transaction of rental payments):
Legal Consultant:
Tenant Details:
ID Number:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
ICE Number:
Account Details (that will be used for the transaction of rental payments):
Legal Consultant:
Terms and Conditions:
- Rent payment: $[X]
- Advance payment (refundable at the time of contract end/termination): $[X]
- Security Payment (refundable at the time of contract end/termination, non-refundable in case of any damages to the building during rental duration): $[X]
- Duration of the contract: From [DATE] to [DATE]
- Date for rent payment: [DATE]
- Compensation in case of late payment: N/A
- The tenant shall take due care of the building and will make required amendments and repairs by himself that cannot be deducted from the monthly rental payment.
- The landlord can visit once every month to check for his location/building.
- The landlord is in full capacity to ask for an immediate evacuation with prior notice of one week.
- The landlord can take any legal action if any illegal activity is done in his house or by the tenant.
- The tenant shall report to the landlord if any guest stays for more than two weeks.
- The tenant shall also inform the landlord if he is going out of the country. The state visits should also be reported if they are longer than three weeks.
- If the tenant intends to leave the renal house, he/she should inform the landlord before one month. Leaving suddenly will result in the dissolution of security and advance charges paid at the time of renting the building.
Sir, the rental agreement has been agreed upon by both parties and has been signed duly. PFA copies of the required documents and stamp paper that have been approved by the local police officer.
If any more documents/pro forma is required, please let me know at [PHONE]. Thank you.