The work hours and nature of a security guard’s job are quite odd and tough which can lead to exhaustion or laziness. Although, security guards are hired to protect the place, so it is understood that their fundamental duty is to stay awake and alert. This is the only way they can provide protection and security for the people they are hired for. People tend to hire guards for their family or business they are careful of which means they need a little extra safety for it. They require a…
Read MoreResignation Letter for Conflict of Values
Containing yourself in the workplace is not an easy job as there can be multiple factors responsible for stimulating unwanted feelings in you. Failing to address these factors accountable for igniting conflicts can further lead to major disputes that have the potential to kill an amicable and harmonious environment. As an employee, there could be a plethora of provocative reasons for you to stress out failing to maintain your work routine. The scope of this stress at the workplace is quite large and multifold ranging from inability to perform to…
Read MoreResignation Letter due to Favoritism
One of the most toxic elements present in a company that has a dangerous potential to bring down its employees’ morale is favoritism. It is, when the management does not necessarily have to be the CEO only, favors one employee over all others in a way he/she did not clearly deserve or someone else is more deserving than them. Though we can make a whole list of repercussions of this evil, down below we’ll mention only the ones that are against the company’s larger interests. Since the biggest stakeholder in…
Read MoreReply of Explanation Letter for Negligence
Negligence in the conduct or performance can lead to receiving a show-cause notice from the employer. Generally, when an employee is constantly unable to carry out the assignments on a given deadline or keep up with his/her work log, or exhibits troublesome behavior, he is reprimanded verbally at first and upon seeing no change in his mannerism, the company sends him a show-cause letter. This letter is a course of the disciplinary process in which the careless attitude is highlighted. Fundamentally, the intent of this letter is accountability. The company…
Read MoreQuery Letter for Disobedience of Boss
No deviation or non-compliance goes unnoticed in a professional setting, be it of small magnitude, let alone disobedience of the boss. Companies have their HRs and supervisors keep a check and balance on their employees’ performances and they are prompt enough to track down any malicious activity. Organizations only thrive when the employees reckon their positions and the requirements of it. A company or organization with an unhealthy style of ignoring the rules and regulations or simply not fast and diligent will never meet its own goals. Henceforth, the growth…
Read MoreComplaint Letter to Courier Service for Lost Parcel
Complaint letters to courier service for lost parcels are written when an individual who was to receive or had sent a parcel to anyone, but it did not reach the destination. It’s not quite common when a person chooses a courier service to send a package somewhere and the package gets lost in the middle of nowhere while no one knows anything about it. In living reality, it’s quite rare and a worrisome state of affairs. People have a high level of trust in courier service and therefore they opt…
Read MorePaternity Benefits Policy Letter to Staff
Paternity benefits are one of the fundamental incentives for an individual to apply at a particular place that offers them. Although these benefits should be added like other regular and basic benefits like health and dental insurances unfortunately not all small-scale organizations or businesses give paternity benefits. Moreover, it’s always refreshing for the employees to receive as many benefits as they can and this is the alluring factor of a position. Nevertheless, there isn’t one static, universal policy for paternity leave as each company has its own terms and conditions…
Read MoreLetter to Confirm Employment for Bank
The post-application period for an individual is the most challenging one pertaining to the uncertainty of the job even if you have been successful at the interview. Winning the verbal interview is not always evident in securing the post you have applied for. In living reality, a lot of applicants never receive the employment call or letter that they presumed would easily get. No company is bound, both legally and morally, to hire applicants who’ve performed well in front of the interview panel. However, once a company/organization is sure they’ve…
Read MoreLetter Requesting 2 Hours of Leave due to Emergency
In everyday life, emergencies are inevitable and unavoidable regardless of your circumstances and the bitter reality about them is, they have to be addressed immediately no matter wherever you are stuck with. You’re having a packed day at school or you’re at work and your boss has called you for an important meeting, but a sudden and urgent crisis pops up out of nowhere leaving you with no other option but to quit everything and confront it only. But the nature of the workplace mandates the employees to complete the…
Read MoreLetter of Complaint to Courier Services for Missing of Goods
Home deliveries have always been a source of comfort for a lot of us, but the recent pandemic has seen an unprecedented spike in online orders to a point that it almost feels like onsite shopping is deserted by many. Generally saying, people resort to home deliveries when stepping outside to go to the location feels unnecessary and fatiguing. Who would want to take the hassle of buying the groceries after a long tiring day when you have the luxury of getting it delivered at your doorstep anyway? In fact,…
Read MoreExcuse Letter for Short Absence from Work
Every employee, no matter what kind of place he/she works at, reckons that leaving your workplace without prior notice is deemed as major misconduct. Almost every company has a strict policy in this regard with various disciplinary measures according to the period of absence and the adverse effects it brought upon the business. The protocol is to request a leave, even if it is an emergency, from your boss, and wait for their response. The employee has to write a concise letter explaining why he/she needs a quick leave and…
Read MoreExplanation Letter for Sleeping on Duty
According to the findings of American research, that was done on 1,139 employees from 3 different companies, 15% of the workers dose off at the workplace at least once in a week while as per another statistical analysis of National Sleep Foundation, 29% of employees either nod off during work or become very sleepy. Now, there could be a plethora of reasons for this unprofessional yet uncontrollable act one does with sleep deprivation, lack of rest, and workload stress being the common causes. Nevertheless, what’s crucial is, no company or…
Read MoreLetter Complaining Poor Condition of School
Updating maintenance of the school’s premises with regards to all kinds of hygiene is also a duty of the institute’s management. No individual can learn anything in an unclean ecosystem rather it can further diminish their intellectual capabilities. For students’ mental growth to be healthy, the management should pay heed to the health of the environment around them. After all, it’s not the only ethical obligation of the institute but also, the parents enroll their children in a school only after the management exhibits promising behavior. Before we continue to…
Read MoreEmployees Overtime Benefits Announcement Letter to Staff
There are a plethora of reasons why employers need to make overtime hours as an exciting offer for their employees instead of recruiting more workers with having to take no pains of training the current employees being the top one. Since the employees are well-versed with the nature and flow of work, they reckon the bottleneck deadlines, the work routine, clients’ demands, and requirements of the job as well. There’s already a healthy mutual relationship growing much stronger with every workday passing making ground for the progress and development of…
Read MoreLetter of Concern for Conduct to an Employee
These letters are normally written by the HR department of the company to an employee. In the letter, the employee is addressed of his/her area of concern for the management and in the light of his behavior, future expected behavior of the employee is drafted and in the end, improvements are suggested for the employee to follow. Your words of speech should indicate concern rather than expressing anger by using harsh words. Your writing should not oppose possible danger to the employee in any way. Letters of concern help the…
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