Motivation Letter for Home Loan

Motivation letter for home loan

1- Re. A letter of Motivation for Home Loan Dear Kim, I am Hazle Paster from the city of San Diego, CA. This letter is regarding my application for a home loan and the recent response from you through an inquiry letter. On 21-09-20XX, I met you in person in the Bank of United States RA (BUSRA), branch 39-M. In our meeting, I shared all the details regarding the home loan. I have enclosed all the related documents that can be of crucial importance for the home loan. Currently, I…

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Request Letter for More Time to Repay the Debt

Request Letter for More Time to Repay the Debt

Sample -1 Dear Mr. XYZ, I am writing in response to our last telephonic conversation about the repayment of debt. As per the records and our terms of the agreement, I owe you $[X] which was to be submitted in 10 equal installments on a monthly period. I am working with you for quite a long time by now and there is no need to assure you that I have never missed a single installment ever. Like every time, this time too, I have successfully submitted the first three installments, but…

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Letter of Agreement for Reduced Pay

Letter of agreement for reduced pay

Dear Mr. Sam White, Good day. I am writing to remind you about the new salary reduction policy of our company which will be implemented with effect from 1st October 20XX. As discussed in the last meeting held on 25th September, we have been considering this policy for a while now and have decided to implement it from next week. The company has been experiencing a huge financial loss due to a large batch of products lost in last month’s rat infestation. The batch was destroyed by the rats due…

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Kick-Off Meeting Invitation Email Samples

Kick-Off Meeting Invitation Email

To,All the team members.Subject: Kick-off meeting invitation on [X] Dear team, I am thrilled to inform you that our project ‘Development of energy-efficient lights’ has been granted approval and is scheduled to start off on 30th Sept 20XX. We have arranged a kick-off meeting on 28th September and would like to invite you to please join us for a briefing on the project. As discussed in the previous email, we would like to have the entire team together for this meeting which will be a chance for us to get…

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Request Letter to Freeze Salary Deduction

Request Letter to Freeze Salary Deduction

Salary deduction means when your employer makes a cut in your salary owing to different reasons. An employer has the authority to cut your salary, but he may only do so under certain conditions and by staying within the bound limits. The cut may be made to provide for the employee’s insurance plans but this must be discussed beforehand and mentioned in the contract. A certain amount of tax will also be deducted from the salary. Moreover, some companies provide facilities like provident funds or pension schemes and for that…

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Employee Benefits Proposal Letter Sample to HR

Employee benefits proposal letter to HR

Besides salary, some companies offer non-monetary benefits to the employees as well. These include paid leaves for religious holidays, maternity, or any unforeseen emergency leaves. These benefits are usually mentioned in the employee contract and informed to the employees verbally too. Most employees expect to get benefits from the company and if the company does not offer any, the employee may write a letter to HR and request some employee benefits. The employee benefits, especially hospital bills can amount to thousands of dollars which is why these are considered part…

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Project Kickoff Announcement Letter Template

Project kickoff announcement letter

1- RE. FDN-ELEVATORS & ESCALATORS PROJECT KICKOFF ANNOUNCEMENT Dear all, this letter has been penned to inform the commencement of the project of FDN Company about the installation of elevators and escalators in the shopping mall in the Green Area of San Diego and Denver Market, San Diego.  FDN has recently initiated a project that includes the building of twin shopping malls in the Green Area and Denver Market of San Diego. The construction of the malls has almost been completed. They have been working on the interior and sharpening…

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Change in Company Policy Letter

Change in company policy letter

1- RE. CHANGING THE CLAIM POLICY ON SHOES PRICED BELOW $50. Dear Customers, I am Rondez Balls, Assistant Manager of Comfy Feet Shoes Company. I am writing this letter to all on behalf of Director and General Manager, Mr. Carol Binj. Referencing the subject, the letter addresses an issue in the company’s claim policy, and thus, I am writing to clear the ambiguity related to avoiding any clash or contradiction of statements by the company. We have updated our Claim Policy which was previously updated in 2014.  With the new…

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ISO Certification Announcement Letter Template

ISO certification announcement letter

1- Re. ISO Certification of the Company Dear all, this has been drafted in the complete sense of accomplishment which is considered as one of the biggest achievements for the company. This achievement is the certification of the ISO. We are glad to announce that the company has received the ISO Certificate and has been approved by the authorities of ISO. ISO is an international standards organization which is a federation of taking companies that are on the international standards of worldwide range and develop the company at international level. ISO…

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NGO Funding Request Letter Template

NGO funding request letter

An NGO is a non-government organization that usually works for a social cause. They operate independently and their purpose is usually a humanitarian cause. Some NGOs may have a widespread network and may operate on several social causes at once. These organizations play a very important role in philanthropy and international associations. They get funded by a variety of sources such as wealthy individuals, charity money, or donor organizations. The key to getting funding for NGOs is writing a convincing funding request letter to the donor. The letter needs to…

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Welcome to Motherhood Messages

Welcome to motherhood messages

1- Welcome to motherhood, my sweet sister. The little baby girl has dignified us with her presence. It will definitely prove a wonderful start to new life. I want to elongate my earnest and enthusiastic wishes to little baby girl and to you. The little girl is an exact copy of yours and I am really excited to meet her and hold her in my arms. It will feel as if the whole world is in my arms. I am waiting impatiently for this moment. 2- While writing this message…

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Complaint Letter for Parcel not Received

Complaint letter for parcel not received

A complaint letter for not receiving a parcel is a letter written by a client organization or a customer and addressed to the organization from which the customer has made the purchase. In this letter, the customer informs the organization that the parcel has not been received and lodges a complaint. In addition, the customer seeks a resolution or immediate delivery and states the probable consequences if the organization does not resolve the issue. When a client organization makes a purchase, the selling organization provides a delivery date so that…

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Email to Parent Regarding Change of Swimming Time

Email to Parent Regarding Change of Swimming Time

The email to the parent regarding the change of the swimming time is an email that is sent either by a swimming club, center, or a school, which offers the swimming facility to its students. It is addressed, and sent, to the parent/s, to notify them about the new timings. As it is a formal email, it aids in clarifying any sort of misunderstandings for the parents. This email can be a generalized email or can be addressed separately to the individual parents. In addition, sometimes, the institution does not…

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Promissory Note to Vendor TEMPLATE

Promissory Note to Vendo

A promissory note is written by a party as a promise that the other party will receive payment from them. Sometimes a company may acquire the services of a vendor but will only agree to pay after they are satisfied with their introductory service. In this case, a promissory note needs to be written to the vendor assuring him that he will receive his payment after a certain period. Other times, a promissory note may also be written if a company is unable to pay the vendor their dues on…

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Resignation Letter due to Personal Reason

Resignation letter due to personal reason

#1 RE. RESIGNATION DUE TO PERSONAL REASONS Dear Sir, this letter is to inform you that I am leaving Andro Anglo CO. for personal reasons. I shall not be coming to the office after [DATE] as my resignation is prior to fifteen days as per the Company’s Resignation Policy. According to the Company’s Resignation Policy 2010 bullet 5(x), it is conferred that an employee is bound to furnish the company with his/her resignation notice not less than two weeks to have resignation benefits. 15-09-21 would be my last day in…

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