Greetings! Role your sleeves up because the most awaited event of 202X is just around the corner. All respected parents are hereby notified through this letter that the annual sports festival 202X is going to be held from 10-11-202X. The organization of this event was the dire need of time because children were exhausted after taking their preparatory exams.
Participation in the said event is obligatory for all the students of college regardless of their degree programs. All parents are equally welcome and cordially invited to charm this prestigious sports event.
Various sports activities are being arranged during this sports festival. These include Hockey, Cricket, football, chess, and tug of war. Adding fuel to the fire, Kabaddi, the most famous game of Punjab, is also being added this year. Since this event is planned annually, all parents must ensure that their child participates in a single sports event and the worthy principal has issued clear directions in this regard.
Dear parents, even if your child insists on sitting at home during the sports festival you must encourage him to ensure his participation at least in a single activity. There is a famous saying that “a sound mind is always found in a sound body”. Keep in your mind your first and foremost duty is to make sure that your child gets himself involved in healthy and constructive activities. This sports festival has been organized keeping in view the same purpose.
The coaching session for all the games is also starting the day after tomorrow. We have hired renowned coaches who have international recognition and earned their names in their respective fields. You are hereby requested to allow your children to attend this training session as it has been arranged solely for the sake of children. Please send your children in the prescribed uniform. If you don’t have one, it can be bought from the college’s cooperative store at an affordable price.
I believe this letter is sufficient enough to persuade you all. If you have any queries regarding the schedule, you can contact the directorate of sports during office hours. Moreover, entry passes have also been issued to all students. Please don’t forget to bring those with you because your entry will be subjected to the production of entry passes.
Your participation is awaited eagerly.
(Sample -2)
Subject: Letter to parents announcing upcoming sports festival in school
Respected parents,
Keeping its beautiful tradition alive, the management of Lincoln’s college has decided to observe the first seven days of November as sports week. For this purpose, a splendid sports festival is being organized. This is the right time to celebrate such a festival because students will be feeling exhausted after taking their exams. In this way, they would definitely get a lot of relief after being pinched by a hectic study routine.
Through this letter, college management invites all the parents to attend the sports festival 202X. You know this splendid event is celebrated only once a year. Please put all your worries aside, cheer up the performance of your children and cherish each and every moment of this colorful event in a blissful way.
Students can participate in 20 different games which will be played during this sports festival. All parents are hereby requested to encourage their children and ensure their participation. This event is going to be a part of your memory because it is being marked by the presence of many athletes who have been invited from all parts of the country. You will feel even more excited to find them between yourselves.
Another exciting element of the current sports festival is that an exhibition match will be played between the teachers’ XI and the students’ XI on the third day. Keeping in view the weather conditions and extremely busy schedule of the event, lunch and drinks will also be served to all participants and parents.
A detailed schedule containing information about the time and venue of all competitions is also attached to this letter. Please grace the event through your participation and make sure that your child comes in a unique dress and follows the protocol which has been prescribed for each game. All parents are expected to attend the said sports festival with zeal and zest.
Prescribed uniforms can be had from college cooperative stores at affordable prices. If you have any query in your mind, please contact directorate of sports during office hours.