Companies need to revise their policies from time to time. This is done in order to deal with new issues or simply for the sake of achieving better results. On the other hand, old policies may also need to be reaffirmed at times when the management feels that employees are not following the established rules. A formal letter is then circulated among the office staff in order to officially announce any newly established or modified policies or to simply reaffirm old guidelines.
This letter can be written by following pattern discussed below.
- State the Reason for Issuing the Directive
Usually, the need to establish, change or reaffirm a policy occurs in response to a problem. For instance, the higher authorities might need to remind the employees about established rules in case a breech of the company policies has been encountered. Similarly, modifications to the existing policies may be introduced in order to deal with any newly encountered issues. Therefore, it is important to discuss the problem in order to make the employees understand why the directive is being issued. It emphasizes the importance of the modification or reaffirmation of the policies.
- Discuss the Policy
Whether the policy is completely new, modified or simply being reaffirmed, it should be discussed in the letter. A brief summary should be stated while the important points may be listed down. A detailed copy of the policy may also be enclosed with the letter.
Re-emphasize the Importance of the Provided Information
After discussing the policy, restate the importance of why this step has been taken by your organization. In this way, the employees will exhibit a more serious attitude towards the issued directive.
- Be Open to Queries and Suggestions
While closing the letter, encourage the employees to contact the concerned individual or department in case of any queries. Asking questions will help clarify any confusions in order to properly understand the discussed policy. In addition, the employees may also be asked to provide their suggestions which may further support the policy in order to deal with the discussed issue.
- Express Appreciation for Cooperation
In the end, do thank the employees for their attention and cooperation. This provides a professional and polite ending to the letter.
The company’s recent financial report has revealed that there has been a significant increase in our overhead expenditure. Taking into consideration the data and figures presented in this report, ABC Corporation has decided to take some important cost-cutting measures. As a result, some of the company’s policies have been revised. All employees are requested to go through the attached copy of the new policies.
A summary of the main changes is presented below.
- Employees are no longer authorized to use the office landline for personal calls.
- The annual family picnic will be replaced with an annual dinner for employees in order to save traveling cost.
- Official trips must be planned and confirmed at least 1 month in advance in order to avoid the high last minute booking charges.
- All memos, official letters, and notices must be circulated in the form of email messages in order to save the cost of paper and printing.
- Supervisors should ensure that office stationary is not misused by their subordinates. Employees are not allowed to take stationery items to the home.
All employees must abide by the new rules. The company needs the cooperation of the entire staff in order to overcome this challenge. The small changes made in the old policies are going to make a noticeable difference. The company does not want to resort to drastic measures such as downsizing, cutting down salaries and holding back increments. Therefore, it is requested that all employees play their part with responsibility towards the reduction of our overall expenditure.
In case anyone has any questions or concerns about these changes, kindly contact the admin staff during office hours. We also look forward to more suggestions regarding this matter and welcome your ideas.
Thank you for your cooperation.