The main purpose of this type of letter is to express one’ s pleasure while making a donation. It includes details about the type of donation and how it should be used. The donation may be made in the form of financial assistance or supplies of food, clothing or other required items. These contributions are usually made to an organization that is carrying out charity work. The letter acts as a formal communication between the donor and the organization regarding the donation.
The main features of such a letter are described below.
- Details about the Donation
First and foremost, the letter discusses what the exact donation is. In case of a financial contribution, the donor mentions the amount being donated. In addition, it is also specified how the donation is being transferred – either through a check or online transfer. Incase of the former, the donor encloses the check with the letter. On the other hand, if the contribution is made in the form of a specific type of supplies, details about the donated items are provided in the letter. For instance, the donor specifies the number and nature of the items being donated.
- Specifying the Use of the Donation
In certain cases, an individual donates to an organization and leaves it on the latter how to make use of the contribution. On the other hand, some individuals wish to specify the use of the donation. For instance, the donor may state that he is providing a certain amount of money to be used for purchasing medical supplies for an old age home. In this way, individuals can make sure that their gifted money is being used for the right purpose.
- Mentioning the Motivation behind the Contribution
Often, people make donations to certain organizations in the name of their loved ones. For instance, one can gift money to a welfare trust in the name of one’s deceased parents. This practice is often carried out to keep the memory of one’s dear ones alive. On the other hand, a person may also be motivated by some charity projects which may prompt him to contribute towards a good cause. In both cases, the motivating factor is mentioned in the letter.
- Appreciating the Recipient’s Charity Work
In this letter, it is good practice to appreciate the efforts being made by the recipient for his charity work. A few lines can be written as encouragement and appreciation of the good cause. The donor may also thank an organization for letting ordinary individuals play a part in
- Requesting Acknowledgement
The donor may request the recipient to send a written
- Demanding a Report for the Used Donation
In many cases, people who contribute usually wish to ensure that their donation is being used for the right purpose. This is done to avoid falling for scams through which fake charity organizations collect funds for personal use. For this reason, organizations often draft brief reports with details of the charity project including how the donated money or supplies have been used. This letter can also include a demand for such a report.
A letter written to accompany a contribution to a good cause may include all or some of the above-mentioned features. Generally, this type of letter carries a positive tone. Since a donation is a gesture of good will, it should be made with pleasure and humility which are expressed by means of this written document.
Sample Letter to Announce a Contribution in a Charity Work
Dear (Recipient Name),
I would like to contribute towards your current charity project which aims at helping the people of Thar during the ongoing famine. I have made an online transfer of $10,000/- to the [NAME]’s account. The reference number for the transaction is U45990768. I hope this amount helps you purchase one month’s grocery supplies for a needy family. Kindly send me an acknowledgment for the received amount by messaging me at the provided phone number.
I really appreciate the efforts made by your organization –Vibrant Youth – towards different issues being faced by the people of this country. In particular, your contributions to the inhabitants of Thar must be applauded. Life in this dry and harsh desert area is extremely hard with dwindling water and shortage of food supplies. I must appreciate the fact that your team of volunteers visits the area once every month despite unfavorable environmental conditions to provide regular food supplies to the victims. Irequest you to keep up your excellent work as the helpless people of Thar need saviors like your organization.
I heard about your organization through a friend. I have read about your previous projects on your online blog. This is what motivated me to make this humble donation. I hope you will make good use of this money. Kindly email me a report for your next visit to Thar when you utilize my donation.
I would like to thank you for providing individuals like myself this opportunity to make a personal contribution. It is unfortunate that I cannot visit the famine struck area myself owing to various limitations as well as commitments. However, I am extremely pleased that Vibrant Youth has made it possible for me to play a part in this noble mission.
I intend to provide more financial help for your projects in future whenever possible for me. Please do keep up the good work as I look forward to