When an employee puts forward a suggestion for the company, the management should send him a letter of acknowledgment. This is beneficial for the morale of the employee. It provides him encouragement to work sincerely for the progress and growth of the organization.
Here is how to write an official letter to acknowledge the receipt of a suggestion from an employee.
- Thank the Employee for his
Show appreciation to the employee for his suggested idea. Since he has come up with a suggestion for the progress of the company, he deserves to be thanked for it. Additionally, mention the particular suggestion clearly. The employee should know which idea you are talking about in case he has made more than one proposal to the company.
- Discuss its Usefulness
Discuss the reason why you like the idea. State how it may be useful for the organization. However, keep this discussion brief in order to avoid wandering away from the main purpose of the letter.
- Appreciate the Employee for
his Idea
Since it has already been established that the suggestion is potentially beneficial for the company, it is time to give your employee the due credit for his idea. Praise him for his insight and intelligence that enabled him to come up with this recommendation. In this way, he will feel encouraged to keep coming up with more valuable suggestions for the company. Moreover, such suggestions also show the concern of employees for the progress of the organization. Therefore, they deserve to be appreciated for their sincerity.
- Mention how and When the
Idea may be Implemented
Official proposals must be reviewed by the higher authorities at an organization before the implementation of any suggestion. There are a number of factors that must be taken into account in order to evaluate the overall feasibility of an idea. State how long this process will take. You may even ask the employee to be a part of a meeting or presentation to discuss his idea with the management.
- End with an Encouraging Note
Wind up the letter with appreciation and encouragement for your employee. This will give him an incentive to keep working with enthusiasm and commitment for you.
Sample Letter
We would like to thank you for your suggestion about switching to the new XYZ software for maintaining the company’s database system. This update will surely make our management system more efficient as well as more cost-effective in the long run.
The company always welcomes useful suggestions from its employees. In fact, we encourage everyone to come up with innovative ideas for the progress of the organization. We, therefore, thank you for your proposal. Your concern about the advancement of the company is much appreciated.
Your idea is currently being reviewed by the board. You may be required to attend a meeting with the technical team in order to further discuss your idea. We would like to decide about the switchover within a week. After assessing the feasibility of the proposal, we would like to proceed with the implementation without any delay.
We hope to receive more useful suggestions from you in the future. Keep up your dedication and sincerity towards the company.