Sample -1
Re. Solicitation for Financial Aid for the Newly Established DABs Library
Dear [NAME], this letter has been drafted on the behalf of Mr./Ms. [NAME], the [DESIGNATION] of the [ORGANIZATION]. The letter has been written for the solicitation for financial support. The letter is to ask for the funds for the project that has been recently established by the [ORGANIZATION] of the differently able persons (DABs).
The [ORGZANIZATION] has initiated a project in which we are going to establish a special library for the differently able persons. The purpose of this library is to provide special facilities to the persons who lack facilities or are uncomfortable in the regular libraries with common facilities. They need hearing and visual devices, for instance, that are not available in the regular or common libraries of our cities.
This initiative purports to get the best from the intelligence of the DABs and get their contribution in doing the best. This shall also assist them to make their dreams come true as we would be able to get more productive and positive outcomes as much as we invest in their facilitation. Hence, it is inevitable to form a library for them and provide instrumental facilities and other modern devices for their convenience and comfort.
The library shall have different compartments with different instruments and devices. The section with visual-related devices shall be named as the visual aide section, the section with hearing-related devices shall be named as hearing-aid section, and similarly, other sections would be structured and formed. For this, we need an amount of $ [X] for the renovation of the building and furniture. The amount has been promised to be funded by the [COMPANY]. We require the mentioned devices as they all are expensive and unaffordable by the charitable works of the organization.
Thus, we request you to support us financially by granting $ [X] for the device purchase or provide the said devices and instruments. We request you to let us know about your choice by writing to us at [EMAIL] not later than [DATE]. In case of any query, you can call us at [PHONE] who has been handled by our [POSITION].
We are grateful to you for your charitable services to the organization and for helping for thriving in the projects for the deserving. We also thank you for being a spine back to our organization. Thank you.

Sample -2
Re. Solicitation for Financial Aid for the [ORGANIZATION]
Dear [NAME],
We are pleased to have your assistance and support in many of the previous projects who would not have been able to be accomplished if you would not have signed up for your financial and moral support.
This letter has been drafted to request a financial aid of $ [X] for the [ORGANIZATION]. The organization has put up a project in the education sector. In this project, we are taking the children of [AREA] from [COUNTY/CITY/STATE]. We shall give a test to the children and then select [X] most intelligent brains. Having those brains on board, we are up to starting a research program in which those students shall contribute and participate in the communication internship program as well.
The purpose of this project is to provide employment to the deserved ones and get their genius through research and technical intelligence. For this, we need a grant of $ [X] for the research conduct, salaries, and other prerequisites. This project contemplates taking the old age group into the consideration who will participate in the research program as other employees in the research management team.
Enclosed are all the detailed data and analysis of the project and a brief proposal summary for your convenience. I am looking forward to your kind response at [EMAIL]. In case of any query, please dial [PHONE] to talk to our project manager who is taking care of this project and its counterparts. Thank you for always being a coordinating friend of the [ORGANIZATION].