Whether you are an employee working in an organization or a student attending lectures either at college or school you require a permission letter if for some reason you cannot make it to your working place or school. Some holidays are taken accidentally because of some unforeseen circumstances while others may be planned as they may relate to any significant event in your life. The latter demands a letter of permission to be absent as you are taking days off intentionally for a valid reason.
If for instance you are working in an organization and you need to take days off, you need to state not only the reason for days off but also provide assurance that work will not suffer because of you being absent. And if you are a student, you may require your teacher to make up your work which will be left by you due to days off from school so that you may complete them when you join back to school. Nevertheless, the important thing is to inform the relative authority of your absence well before time and take permission for taking days off.
Giving big news of absence suddenly is not a good practice. It is always good to take prior permission before taking days off so that everything is settled well before time. You start the letter by mentioning your respected name followed by the need to seek permission for a day off.
Clearly stating the reason for being absent from work and mentioning the number of days for which you need holidays. Close the letter with a thankful note to the respected authority.
Never forget to mention the date and subject of the letter. And if you are to mention dates, then state them clearly without any ambiguity. Your language should be polite as you are seeking permission to be absent. So, choose words wisely.
Sample letter
To the principal,
Mr. John.
ABC School, London.
Student Grade 8,
ABC School, London.
Dated: 5th January, 20XX
Subject: Permission to be absent from school
Respected Sir,
This is to inform you that I, James a student at your school ABC currently studying in grade 8 roll number Ab23 will not be able to come to school from Monday. My mother has been terribly ill for the past few days and now doctors have suggested her to undergo surgery. Her surgery will be on Sunday and she will come home after 5 days till then I will have to take care of my younger brother at home due to which I will not be able to come to school for the next whole week. After which my aunt will come to our home and she will manage things. I hereby request you to please grant me permission to be absent from school for the next week. I will be grateful to you.
Yours Sincerely,
Grade 8
Roll Number: Ab 23
ABC School, London.