I am writing on behalf of XYZ Law Firm. We have a team of experienced and accomplished lawyers who can help your organization with various legal matters. I would like to offer our services to deal with your official agreements, breach of contracts, legal problems with employees, copyright issues, and much more. Kindly refer to the attached proposal for complete details.
We expect to receive a response from you soon if you are interested in our proposal. Please contact us at the given number or email address.
ABC Law Agency is offering its legal services to (name of company). We specialize in dealing with copyright and trademark issues. Your company has been in the news on and off for facing copyright infringements. Considering your history, we suggest strong legal representation for you in order to deal with such issues in the future. Therefore, we have attached a detailed proposal herewith.
An established company like yours must protect its trademark products from low quality and cheap copies in the market. At the same time, you must also have a strong defense against copyright claims made by your competitors. Without legal specialists, your company’s reputation may be besmirched, leading to a sharp decline in sales. It is for this reason that we are offering our services to you.
We look forward to discussing the proposal with you in person. Let’s arrange a meeting this week. We await your reply.
Re. Proposal for the Legal Services by [NAME THE LAW FIRM]
To whom it may concern,
With reference to the above-cited subject, I am writing to propose our services of legal assistance for your company. It has been recorded in the recent journal of Excellent Law Services and Suites that the [NAME YOUR LEGAL FIRM] stands at one of the most sustainable and established positions in legal services. Moreover, our legal services are the most accommodating and inexpensive as we ensure quality in each penny.
[NAME THE LEGAL FRIM] was established in 19xx. It has been X years since we are working with different companies in different fortes of legal assistance. We provide full-time legal advice and provide legal consultation for free. It has been one of the most eminent legal firms which are providing legal advice to more than thirteen well-known companies in the [state] and other states.
Most of our legal projects deal with taxation; income tax, services tax, product tax, and the tax related to real estate projects. We started our company with general legal assistance and then specified our legal funnel.
We have a great team of lawyers, pleaders, attorneys, and solicitors who work on customized tax plans and remain in direct communication with the Federal Board of Revenue Department to keep things in place, regularized, and under control. For bigger companies, it is very important to keep a record of taxation and legal validation of them.
It is only possible with the help of professional legal firms. Our firm consists of more than 18; 7 of them are attorneys with specialization in real estate taxation, 9 solicitors, and 2 lawyers for general assistance. We also provide internships to law students from all over the country.
Your project pertains to the real estate efficacy of the building and rental flats, we shall provide full-time assistance along with virtual communication. We specify a team for the project and they will be working on your projector without any lapse.
The project can be initiated as soon as you submit your response to this letter. The project cost will be $[X] per month and it shall take six months to conclude all the legal analysis and assistance. Moreover, we can discuss everything in detail if needed. Please contact our Administrator for further (Contact Details).
Thank you for considering our services.
Re. Letter of Proposal for the Legal Advisory and Assistance to Clinical Laws.
I am pleased to write to you this letter which will serve as a proposal. This letter shall give you an executive summary of the proposed project. We received your request for the proposal on [DATE] which asked for a proposal letter.
We are happy in the capacity to have you as our client once again. The previous project that we did with you was related to Chambers and Camelia in the [NAME THE TOWN]. The project went very well, and we are pleased to see your further interest in our services.
Our law company [NAME] has been working in the field of clinical laws related to hospital laws, pharmacy laws, medicinal laws, manufacturing laws, drug laws, and laws for Industrial manufacturing of all types of medicines and drugs. Our company deals with clinical and healthcare laws since 20XX. The company has already been dealing in this suite for other hospitals.
We, recently, did a project with one of the most prestigious medicinal companies. On the basis of that project, we were awarded the certificate of one of the best clinical law assistance institutes. We also provide a chance for young lawyers who want to specialize in the field of clinical and healthcare laws to work here as an internee. We provide career opportunities to young students.
According to the most recent project clause, your hospital has completed its construction. The legal documentation shall be initiated after the approval of the letter from the executive project director of your hospital. We shall hand you all the required legal data and assistance after the approval.
The project of making dossiers, legal implications of the hospital data, legal inculcation of law enforcement, and others shall take fifty days. It is a fifty days project which will be concluded on [ tentatively; DATE].
We are looking forward to your kind response. Please submit your response to us no later than [DATE]. Due to the other projects in the pipeline, we do not want to delay to kick start the project. Thanks.