Re: Legal Authority Letter to Collect the Outstanding Payment
Dear Simon,
This letter proposes to serve as a legal letter on behalf of Stella Tech Group and CX, California, USA. The letter is written to notify you on legal grounds that the payment you owe to pay to the company has exceeded the due date which was 20-11-20XX and necessitates to be paid immediately.
According to the contract, which was signed between both the companies, the project of providing multiple software managerial tasks was to be performed by this company’s team. The project cost was $400,000 to be paid in two installments within a given period. The given time was due on 10-11-20XX which was formally provided as extra time to make the payment amicably. I am regretful to state that the bonus period has been ended and now it is the most imperative time to make the payment.
The details of the project and the invoice have been attached to the letter and a copy has been sent to the local authority of the Attorney General and City court office. If the payment is not made within the given time, the company would precede formal legal proceedings against you for the outstanding payment and not paying the remaining charges. I have attached the billing details with this letter which would serve as enough details and burdens of proof.
Please respond to this letter at your earliest within three working days otherwise the company will start prosecution trials through law enforcement and local court. The case can cost you in different persecutions penalized according to the Company Law Act of US (2017).
Local Attorney Officer
Clark Timber`
34-C/38 Clark Legal Consultancy, California, USA
Contact: [contact]

Re: Legal Letter for the Outstanding Payment Due 10-12-20XX to EMMAX Group of Textile and Designing
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Lockhart Stephen from the California Local Court of Attorney General Office. I want to bring your attention to the matter of outstanding payment owed to you. It has been reported that you are obligated to pay $50,000 to EMMAX Group of Textile and Designing due on 10-12-20XX. The authorities have claimed that the payment had to be made on the purchasing of a certain amount of cotton and wool fabrics and hiring of the designers from their company. You were charged with $100,000 wherein you paid half of the amount promising the half other to be paid on 10-12-20XX. They have also claimed that you have not responded to any of the calls or emails from their company.
The perplexity has been taken to the local law enforcement and would be handled and operated from the local office of the Attorney General. The matter handed over to the law enforcement and court can inflict certain impositions strict in their nature. This letter has been written to enlighten you about the case and it is informed to you to respond to me within three working days otherwise the court can initiate its trials against you that may bring further inflictions and added persecutions.
I hope you will understand the matter and cooperate accordingly. Thank you.
Assistant Pleader
Local Law Enforcement
34-M Prola Avenue Road, California, USA