Invitation Letters

Dinner Invitation Letter

It is an honor to have graced your presence at the annual dinner party by our company [COMPANY NAME]. We would be arranging this dinner on 29th April 2019 at the Garrison Golf and Country Club hall no.1. The dinner will commence at 7 p.m. It has been a long time since we have spent quality time. So, we took it as an opportunity to have our closed ones invited to our annual dinner to create memories once again.

We would require a simple email answer from you to confirm the presence. It would be a pleasure having you at the dinner. Download

Meeting Invitation Letter

Meeting invitation letterThis is to inform you that the company Board meeting has been re-scheduled. Previously, it was to take place on 11th April 2019 but due to some problems, it has been decided to have the meeting on 18th April 2019. It is to be noted here that the timings of the meeting are the same i.e. 11:00 a.m. The meeting will be chaired by the Managing Director Mr. Stephan.

Due to some construction work going on, the board meeting will now be held at The Country Club. Please be on time for the meeting. Your punctuality will be appreciated.



Conference Invitation Letter

Conference invitation letterWe at [Company Name] are delighted to announce the 3rd international conference on finance arranged by our company on 20th April 2019 at Lake City. The conference will commence at 7:00 p.m. sharp. It will be an honor for us to have our event graced by finance leaders who will not only throw light on the current financial situation of the country but also discuss their success stories with us. Having shared informative knowledge will enable all of us to practically imply them in our lives.

All the invites will be provided with a portfolio of the conference so that they may look up for any point they missed. We have also arranged for small gifts to be presented to all the invites of the conference as a token of thank you.

We will be pleased to have your presence at the conference. Looking forward to a positive reply. Download

Event Invitation Letter

Event invitation letterWe at [Company Name] are inviting you to celebrate with us the birthday of our Managing director Mr. Meezo on the 21st April 2019. The birthday celebrations will be held at the company premises at 6:00 p.m. sharp.

You along with your family members are invited to grace the 50th birthday celebrations of our Managing Director. We intend to organize a grand event in his honor. It is a humble request to all the employees from the MD that no one please bring gifts for him on this occasion. All we need is your kind presence. Hope to see you at the birthday. Download

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