These formal letters are written for marketing purposes or in response to the client`s request to provide detailed information about the packages and services offered by the hotel service. The tone of these letters is polite and simple. These letters explain all the necessary details and are a source of information for the client who wants to get updated information about the services and facilities of the hotels. These letters are important and specific because sometimes the client wants to book a hotel room along with the marquee for his wedding function, or lawns for parties and official meetings.
Sometimes, universities organize seminars and workshops in certain hotels for their convenience so these letters are written in customized formats according to the imminent needs of the client.
Hotel management staff should write responsibly all the proposal letters because if they write the facilities and services that the hotel is unable to provide then the reputation of the hotel is adversely affected so it is imperative that proposals should be clear, concise, and precise. No elaborated services should be mentioned in these letters. The pattern and outlook of the letter should be persuasive to immediately catch the attention of the customer.
So, the most important things to be included in the hotel services proposal letters are as follows:
- Complete introduction.
- Website.
- All the acronyms should be clearly explained.
- Contact details.
- Promotional offers on specific days or events.
- Complete details about the number of attendants in the hotel.
- A complete description of sleeping rooms and accommodation details with each type of room and facilities offered in that specific room.
- Event details.
- Specific requirements of arrangements like a sitting arrangement, lightening pattern, decor details.
- Complete details of the events your organization has already arranged.
- A detailed description of all the financials and cost details.
- Promotional offers.
- Special discounts on business cards.
- Pick and drop services details.
- Tourism and recreational activities related details.
Sample letter
Name of the concerned person
Name of the institution
City, country, Zip Code
Subject: Hotel services proposal for [X]
Dear Mr. ABC,
Greetings of the day!
I am Ms. [LMN], and I am currently working as the public relations officer at (hotel name). I am writing this letter in response to your call. You have called our office and asked about the detailed information about our services and promotional discounts. As you have told my team that you are the head of department at a University [NAME]. You have asked for these details because you want to organize a conference at our hotel. You have mentioned that you will need hotel rooms as well for the foreign delegates who will attend this conference and all the event management and planning details.
I am obliged to hear that you have selected our hotel for this purpose and we will love to organize this conference for your university. Our hotel offers a promotional discount for the universities (Details of the discount package).
Our hotel also provides special rooms for the foreign delegates in our premium package (Details of the package). I have provided you all the required information in accordance with your queries. I have also attached our brochure and complete portfolio of our hotel with this letter.
Please confirm the number of attendants, type of decor, and sitting arrangements. Please also mention the details of food items you want us to arrange for the attendants of the conference. I will be greatly obliged to you if you consider our hotel for organizing your conference.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Your name
Contact details
List of attached documents