I am thrilled to apply for the position of Firefighter at (name of the company). I always had a dream of becoming a firefighter. From the very early childhood, I have always been enchanted by the bravery of firefighters. Some of this admiration comes from the fact that when I was younger our house caught fire. Unfortunately, the fire alarms were also not working at that time and everyone including me was unaware of that. My parents were out of town and my grandmother was taking care of me. She and I were asleep and thus, were unaware of what was happening in the house.
I remember waking up to the voices of people shouting and screaming. I woke up and felt like everything was a little gloomy. I went up to the window to see what was happening outside. When one of our neighbors recognized me, she panicked. She hysterically started shouting that there was a child in the house.
A firefighter started communicating with me and told me to stay near the window. I told him that I was not alone my grandmother was also present in the house and apparently, she was also unaware of the fire. The firefighter used his staircase to reach me. He grabbed me and asked for the room of my grandmother. He handed me over to one of his colleagues and went straight into the house to find my grandmother. I told him that my grandmother’s hearing is weak so he would have to actually shout her name for her to listen.
I was traumatized so I was brought back to the van and given some water. For a few minutes, I totally forgot about my grandmother and started eating the chips. The next thing I remember was the firefighters carrying my grandmother and putting her into another van. We drove to the nearby hospital.
My grandmother was having first degree burns therefore, she was admitted to the hospital. My parents were informed about the incident and they were on their way to the hospital. The firefighter who saved me stayed with me till my parents arrived so that I don’t get scared. I still remember his face and to this day I admire him for his bravery.
This incident had a great impact on me and as I grew older, I understood how I and my grandmother were saved at such a crucial moment all because two people were brave enough to put their lives in danger for saving ours. Therefore, I decided I would become a firefighter. I would help save as many lives as I can.
When I saw that your company was looking for a brave person for the position of a firefighter, I could not stop myself from writing this cover. If you accept me for the position it would be a lifelong dream come true for me. I have the physical, mental and emotional strength required to be a skilled firefighter. Although for now, I don’t have the training but I assure you I am a fast learner I would learn all the rules and regulations and complete my training passionately. I am a person who knows how to handle pressures. I work efficiently even under extreme circumstances.
This quality of mine originates from my previous job as a (name of the job) at (name of the department). We were trained to work under pressure and follow the protocols in an emergency situation. I was also trained for making quick and responsible decisions. I helped save people during the last hurricane that struck (name of the city) on (date/ day/ year).
In the end, I would like to extend my gratitude to you for considering my application for the position of a firefighter at (name of the company). I would love to meet you and the other employees in your company. I assure you that if selected I would give my best performance.