Name of the Applicant
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I saw an advertisement that you are looking for a barista for the new branch of your coffee shop. At first, I would like to congratulate you for opening the new branch of your franchise. I would proudly like to state that I am the biggest fan of coffee. I am not just another girl looking for a job at the coffee house. I love coffee more than anything else. If it is said that I live while breathing coffee, then it would not be a wrong statement. The sight of the steaming foaming coffee makes my day. This is the reason when I saw the advertisement the other day that your company is looking for fresh recruits for your new branch at (name of the place) I became super excited. From the very instant I knew I had to apply for the vacancy.
I have a professional experience of working as a barista for a coffee shop at (name of the place or area). The coffee shop name was (name of the coffee shop). I joined the shop when they had recently started their franchise and were new in the business. Today they are undoubtedly a big name in the coffee shop franchises. I am proud to state here that I still hold the record of mastering their all-time famous coffee “name of the coffee” in a record time of (days/weeks duration). Moreover, I also perfected the signature ocean wave of the franchise. I am confident that I have acquired enough skills that I can master any signature foam creation as part of this new job at (name of the coffee shop).
I am a hardworking person and work perfectly under pressures. Many people find it difficult to hold themselves under extreme pressures of the morning and evening rushes. Moreover, I have a very good memory. I memorize the orders by the faces of the costumers hence speeding up the process of order delivery. As for my personality, I am an extrovert. I not only love to talk but also, I like to engage others in interesting discussions. Furthermore, the inviting atmosphere of a coffee shop makes people interact more and for a short span in their lives, they willingly forget about all the issues in their lives and enjoy every sip of coffee at the moment.
I am highly grateful to you for considering my application for the position of Barista at (name of the coffee shop). I assure you that if selected I would not give you a single chance of complaint. Looking forward to meeting you for the interviews. For any further query, you can contact me on (contact details or email address)
Yours Sincerely,
Name of the applicant