Letter -1
I am pleased to apply for the position of Architect in (name of the company). I have liked your company after I paid the company an official visit in (date or time of the year). I loved the way every employee was treated by the company manager. I was moved after I got to hear genuine good comments about the CEO of the company and his way of dealing with matters. Honestly, I was impressed by (name of the company) and somewhere deep down the heart I have always desired to work under the supervision of such a person.
After I saw the advertisement that the company was looking for an Architect, I genuinely felt that this was my chance. I have been given the opportunity to have a job of my own desire. If I am selected for the post of Architect in the company this would be a matter of great honor for me. I assure you that with my technical expertise and a passion for design and management I would bring a breeze of fresh air to the company. Moreover, my experience of more than five years would also come in handy in completing the assigned tasks.
Speaking of my expertise and my previous role as an Architect in (name of the company) I have performed my duties as an Architect in (name of the company) for (number of years). I was responsible for looking after different tasks as part of my job in (name of the company). These tasks included the construction of documents for all the residential as well as the commercially used properties. I was also responsible for analyzing the project risks and devising ways of justifying these risks to the stakeholders.
I have graduated from (name of the university). It is one of the leading universities in (name of the country/ state). Moreover, after my graduation, I did my internship in (name of the company). In addition to gaining some professional experience, I was fortunate enough to learn and implicate some of the software used by the Architects. The software included AutoCAD, sketch up, Revit and ArchiCAD. I am proud to state here that I have complete command on all this software.
I would like to conclude my cover letter by thanking you for considering my application for the post of Architect in (name of the company). Working with your company would be a great honor for me, therefore, I look forward to learning more about your company and the responsibilities an Architect has in your company.

Letter -2
I feel very happy writing this cover letter for the position of Architect in (name of the company). I have heard a lot of good stuff about your company. I also once read the interview of the CEO of (name of the company) in (name of the newspaper or magazine). Honestly, I was impressed by reading his thoughts and learning more about his vision. After I completed reading the article my heart wished to have such a supervisor. I can learn so much by working under the supervision of such a talented and broadminded person.
My respect for (name of the CEO) increased when I met one of the employees of (name of the company). He had so much to say about (name of the CEO). He praised him and told me it was the best experience of his life. This motivated me a lot and I applied for the position of internship in (name of the company). Fortunately, I got selected and worked under the supervision of (name of the supervisor). Here I would like to state the words of the employee of (name of the company) that “those few months have been the best part of my life”. I did what I love i.e. Architecture and that too under the supervision of a person whom I idealize. My internship ended on (date).
I worked in (name of the new company) after I completed my internship in (name of the previous company). I have worked there for two years. Although people there were also nice and decent, I have always missed my experience in (name of the company). Therefore, when I learned that (name of the company) is offering a post for an architect I knew I have to apply. This could be the golden chance I have been waiting for the past 2 years.
I have completed my graduation from (name of the university) in (month and year). I am the gold medalist of my batch. I was fortunate enough to study numerous other subjects along with Architecture such as psychology. This has created confidence in me and has helped me with my communication skills. I am also an expert in using different software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, ArchiCAD, and Revit. Moreover, I have a professional experience of 2 years of working in (name of the company) under the supervision of (name of the team Head).
I would like to thank you for your interest in my application. Please accept my gratitude for giving some time to my cover letter. I look forward to learning more about your company and the responsibilities that an architect has in (name of the company).