I am pleased to write this cover letter for the position of Dental Hygienist at your corporation (name of the company). I saw this position in an advertisement the other day. The advertisement has asked for interested applicants to have the minimum experience of 2 years in the relevant field. I am proud to state here that I have much more than the required experience up my sleeve.
I have worked as a dental hygienist in (name of the company) from (date/year) to (date/year). Therefore, I can safely say that my experience of (no of years) together with my educational background and expertise in the field as a dental hygienist makes me the best suitable candidate for the position.
Your corporation (name of the corporation) is no doubt among the top-class corporations providing the best dental hygiene to the patients. I would be honored to work with the team of your corporation (name of the corporation). I have always loved to assist patients and help them in resolving their issues.
Dental hygiene is something mostly ignored by the majority of the population. Believe it or not there exists people who still have no concept of brushing their teeth. This is mainly because either they cannot afford this and hence consider it to a luxury afforded only by rich or they don’t consider brushing to be that important to waste the three minutes of their lives.
During my tenure, I have seen cases where people were aware of the advantages of proper dental hygiene, but they ignored it. They used to clean their teeth once or twice a week and consider it to be enough. In the majority of the cases, I observed that the concept of dental flossing or a yearly visit to the dentist for scaling of teeth was nonexistent. In such cases I was not only required to completely help them with their present issue but also I had to guide them in order to prevent the issue from increasing as well. I had to make sure they understand well about the complete situation so they never have to encounter the present problem anywhere again in the future.
As for my education, I have completed my degree in (name of the subject) from (name of the university) with distinction. I have always been a bright student and my professors have liked me for my abilities and fondness of learning new topics and my cravings for new knowledge and experience.
I was also well-liked by my colleagues both in the university and in (name of the company) for my friendly & helping nature. I am very honest and hard working. I like to put all my effort in every single case. I always used to get positive feedback from the patients that would please my heart.
I would like to extend my gratitude to you for considering my application for the position of the dental hygienist. I would love to know more about your company and the responsibilities that a dental hygienist shares. I look forward to meeting you and sharing with you my experiences and skills. For any further queries, you are welcome to contact me on the details mentioned.
Yours Sincerely,
Name of the applicant