I am pleased to write this cover letter for the position of Data Analyst at (name of the company). I have always loved mathematics. From my early childhood, it has been my favorite subject. When I was in high school, I joined the mathematics club. Later that year I was selected as the president of the mathematics club because of my intellectual ability and my passion for solving problems.
After seeing my performance, the teacher advised me to follow my career in mathematics. Therefore, I took admission in (name of the university) for doing graduation in (name of the subject). It was not until then that I got an exposure to relational mathematics and pattern recognition. I joined several societies and attended several conferences during my studies.
All these activities every single time helped me in learning something new related to mathematics. When I graduated from (name of the university) on (date/year) I was offered a master’s scholarship in (name of the university) for my higher studies. I did my masters in (name of the subject).
After the completion of my masters, I was offered a paid internship at (name of the company). The manager of the company (name of the company) was very pleased with my performance. I am a quick learner and therefore, it took me very little time in mastering software including both the basic i.e. MS Excel and the advanced i.e. MYSQL as well as the newer SAAS system i.e. salesforce and infusion soft.
After the completion of my internship, I was told by the manager of the company that I am a very hard working individual and that their company needs people like me. I was given a permanent job as well as a raise in salary.
I started my job as a junior data analyst and after a year my performance spoke for me and I was promoted to senior data analyst. I was also nominated for employee of the year award twice. During my job at (name of the company), I was responsible for several important tasks. Some of these tasks included preparing insight reports for sales and marketing teams, generating revenue by the use of predictive modeling techniques and many more.
In the end I would like to thank you for considering my application for the position of a data analyst at (name of the company). It would be an honor for me to work with the data analyst team of your company. I would love to use my skills in increasing the revenue and overall profit of the company. I would like to tell you and your employees more about my experiences and expertise. Furthermore, I am also interested in getting to know more about your company and the responsibilities that a person has while on the position of a data analyst.
Looking forward to meeting you soon. For any further query, you are welcome to contact me on the details mentioned: (contact details including the personal number and permanent address).
Yours Sincerely,
Name of the applicant