I hope you will be fine. My name is Harry, a student of BS Sociology, 6th semester at this university and I am writing you this letter on behalf of my whole class to discuss a very important matter regarding our studies. Sir, we are facing problems in our studies because young professors in our department are exhibiting low quality in teaching. The department has its own worth which was being maintained by some of the senior professors. But, after their retirement, I regret to say, the young professors who have recently been inducted have failed to maintain those quality educational standards.
I was not anticipating writing you like this, but their attitude coupled with low educational quality enforced me to do so. You know very well that at the university level, students should be given maximum harmony in terms of expansion of their own ideas and research-based material should be accessible to students. Unfortunately, this is not true in our case.
Our professors rely heavily on textbooks for content and practical work. They discourage if somebody in the class presents a research-based material because they just focus on bookish knowledge instead of generated ideas. Moreover, whenever they need to use the whiteboard, they focus only on their handwritten notes. They do not make eye contact with students while using the whiteboard. Thus, as a result, students remain unsatisfied and fail to quench their thirst for knowledge which is not a good thing for all of us.
Respected sir, maintaining such poor quality in teaching will prove itself disastrous for the university reputation. It can interrupt with university ranking as well, which is quite good at this time. You are hereby requested to take necessary steps in this regard and direct the young professors to cooperate with students and present good quality research-based material in the class. A list of professors exhibiting such behavior as mentioned earlier is attached to the letter. Thanking you in anticipation for resolving our issue.

Respected Sir,
This letter is being written to you on behalf of students of the 6th semester, sociology department. We are expressing our feelings of concern regarding the low quality of teaching which we are facing right now. I am sorry for what I am saying but, owing to the severity of the matter, I was forced to write to you like this.
Dear Sir, three professors of this department, whose names have been attached to this letter and who have recently been inducted in the staff, are not imparting quality education to us. They have failed to address our problems in terms of studies. We need a broad vision to address and solve various problems at this level, but these professors rely on bookish knowledge and discourage research-based discussion.
Moreover, they maintain a confrontational environment in the class through their authoritative approach and their poor presentation of content reflects that they are not prepared for the class. This is not a good thing for any university-level student because, at this stage, a student needs to broaden his vision to cope with the stressful situation posed by society. But this is not in practice here in our department as young professors are exhibiting low quality in teaching.
Keeping in view all the above-mentioned circumstances, you are requested to show your personal interest in this matter and ask the nominated professors to improve their quality in terms of teaching. We hope you will resolve this problem as soon as possible. Thanking you in anticipation.