Letter -1
I am writing you this letter to bring in your knowledge the immodest behavior of Mr. Smith. The day he has joined our team, he has been repeatedly passed disturbing comments over me. I have been continuously ignoring his behavior but now I believe it’s high time that I should report the same to you.
His behavior is causing me upset. I have persistently tried to talk to him regarding his behavior but unfortunately, Mr. Smith did not cooperate with me. This has led me to talk to you about writing to make a way out of the situation.
I request you to investigate this matter personally and devise a positive solution to it. Hope to receive a positive response from you.

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Letter -2
I am writing this letter to discuss Mr. John’s unusual behavior at the office. He has become habitual of entering others’ cabins at a time when the person himself is not present there. He not only uses other employees’ belongings but also steals them.
I have observed it on many occasions but have continuously ignored it. As for now, his behavior is getting irritable. Before it leads to anything serious, I decided to make you aware of all the situations so that you may take preventive steps.
Hope to hear positive from you.
Letter -3
I am writing you to bring to your kind attention Mr. Jam’s attitude. He has innumerable times caused disturbance due to his interfering nature. He is always ready to poke his nose in other matters. As an employee, I understand that suggestions do play a vital role in key development, but Mr. Jam’s continuous interference has now become irritable for me.
I thereby felt the need of informing you about his behavior and want you to take steps to avoid them in the future. I sincerely hope to receive a positive reply from you.
Dear Sir,
I [name], [designation] from [department name] am writing to inform you about the extremely unprofessional behavior of Mr. [name]. He is [designation] in our [team name] and is a new hire.
As a team leader, I feel that it is my responsibility to bring this issue to your knowledge. Mr. [name] always comes late to work which affects the entire team as they progress meetings on the [name of the project] cannot start without him. He is never back from the lunch break before two hours which is way above the allowed time for lunch breaks. The incident of [company name]’s meeting when the client was here and our team was not ready for the presentation must be fresh in your mind. Mr. [name] was the one responsible for that. He was assigned the task of presenting the proposal but when the client arrived he still hadn’t reached the office which resulted in a very awkward situation.
His unprofessional and careless behavior caused embarrassment to the entire team. I would like to request you to look into this matter and admonish him for his tardiness, as this attitude can harm the office environment as others will follow suit if he is not disciplined.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Sir,
I [title] [name] from [team name] am writing to inform you about the problems we are facing due to the inappropriate outlook of Mr. [name]. He was transferred from [branch name] in [month], as a [designation].
He is always arguing with his colleagues and is not a good team player. He is very bossy and overbearing. His argumentative nature has spoiled many meetings and led to bitterness and anger.
As you know the exchange of ideas, brainstorming, and sharing information openly always leads to better end results. But when someone is not open to communication, it leads to unproductivity and resentment all around. The office atmosphere is adversely affected by his attitude and his presence is not welcome in the common area or at any informal office gathering due to this attitude problem.
Kindly look into the problem and address it as it is causing a lot of disturbance in the office environment.
Yours sincerely.