Re. Complaining the Unauthorized Transaction on 23-03-XX
I am [NAME] and I have been a customer and client of your bank for a very long time. I have been the holder of the silver card of the bank’s clientage services. The bank has been very professional and communicative having competent staff and brilliant workers. I have been very satisfied with the services of your bank but I am very disappointed with the recent discrepancy of your team regarding a matter of the unauthorized transaction.
I received a text message from the Nobel Bank Branch 879-P informing me that an amount of $2500 has been withdrawn from my account. I had been in San Francisco for my work for the last week and could not appear in the bank by myself. I called the bank to confirm if there has really been a transaction.
After confirming from the bank, I called the manager to enquire about the probability of chances of a criminal doing the unauthorized transaction from my account and its way to settlement. I was told that I need to contact the head office about this matter. Later, I was told that this does not belong to any of the bank’s discrepancy and the client has no right to liable to the bank for this.
I am disappointed with this unprofessional demeanor and file a complaint against unauthorized transactions from my account. More details have been enclosed in the form of screenshots and saved images. You are required to look into this matter otherwise I will be compelled to file a complaint against the bank in the Local Law Enforcement Authorities.
You can contact me at [email]. I am looking forward to your kind response. Thank you.
Gale Residencia, San Diego

Re. Complaining the Fraudulent and Unauthorized Transaction W.r.t the Deplorable Demeanor of the Bank Staff from the Branch IOLR Road
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to bring your kind attention to the matter of fraudulent and unauthorized transactions from my account. I am Noah Salvatore from Nile Street Square Residency. I am an HR officer by profession and keep a saving account in your bank since 2005. I have always been very satisfied with the services provided by your bank.
I always boasted of the bank’s services and security policies but I am very disappointed with the recent incident and the reaction from the staff of the bank. I encountered a fraudulent transaction from my account which means they were done without my knowledge. I understand that this offense comes under the cyber wing of the law enforcement of the city, but I am here to complain about the uncooperative and rude behavior of the bank’s staff.
I called the bank to enquire about the transaction made but the person on the phone was very unresponsive and uncommunicative. The person was Relationship Manager in the bank and he was very uncooperative in this regard. I strongly berate this deplorable demeanor which is a discrepancy at the bank’s end.
You can contact me to get more details regarding the matter at [email]. Enclosed are the account details, mobile screenshots, and my documents along with a complaint notice of the identity fraud. I have complained about this to the cyber wing of the law enforcement and they need your cooperation also.
I hope you will look into the matter and this unsuitable demeanor and the irregular transaction will be settled by cooperating with the Law Enforcement Agencies.
Thank you
Noah Salvatore
P-90 Nile Street Square Residency
San Diego, CA, USA