In today’s world, every individual has a bank account where it keeps his money safe. This entity is made to help people keep their cash at a safe place which they can use at any time when they feel the need to use it. Banks allow an individual to not only deposit their money in their bank account but also withdraw the same when needed. You cannot only deposit money in your account but also to any other individual’s account for any reason. This transfer of money at times requires a nominal amount of money to be paid by the individual to the bank which restated as charges taken for money transfer.
Banks have helped individuals overtime to keep their money safe and sound at a place. Now, money can also be withdrawn from a bank account through an ATM. ATMs are used worldwide for withdrawing money by individuals whenever needed. It is a simple and easy and charge-free service.
Banks ease their customers by providing them online services of transactions related to an individual so that every time they need to do a transaction, they need not walk to the bank. You get all information online. Banks today update their customers of any change in banking policy via email. It is henceforth the easiest and quickest way of sending and receiving money worldwide.
Sample letter
Mr. James
ABL BANK. Westwood
Mr. John
Account holder
ABL BANK. Westwood
Dated: 21st December 20XX
Subject: Complaint letter to bank for closing account
Respected Sir James,
I have been an account holder in the ABL bank for the past 5 years. Your banking services were very good but for the past few months, I have been facing terrible problems from your end. I had been sending money to my mother who is ill from the bank for the past many months. It was my fourth and now the fifth transaction in this respect which did not work at all.
The last time when I had to send money to my mother, I was not informed by the bank authorities that some maintenance is going on due to which I was unable to send money to my mother. It was your responsibility to inform me before about the maintenance so that I could have made another arrangement. The bank authorities later apologized to me in this respect and promised that in the future everything will be taken care of.
A few days back I gave another try for sending money to my mother and failed to do so like the last time. This time I called the bank and upon inquiring more I came to knew that the bank has terminated service for a limited time. This time I grew furious as this was the second time that I was unable to carry out my transaction.
Your bank certainly does not take responsibility for anything. You just give excuses for non-availability of service and it is for this reason that I no longer wish to continue taking banking services of your bank. I wish to close my account with the ABL bank as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. John
Account holder
ABL BANK, Westwood