To whom it may concern
Subject: Complaint for irregular supply of drinking water
Respectful Sir,
I, Thomas Jefferson, a regular and registered customer of your water supplying services, customer ID XYZ0987-65, have been availing your assistance in getting my everyday drinking water for a year now. I would like to begin by saying that I was always satisfied and happy with your performance. Your men always delivered water to my home address every 5th day regularly without a gap until now.
For reasons unknown to me, your services are getting poorer every week passing. At first, I would get a supply once in 7 days, whereas it used to be 5 before, and then you started delivering only once in 10-days.
Moreover, I have to keep calling and reminding you to supply me with the water and that’s when you deliver on the 10th day. This is getting intolerable for me now.
Since I have a big family of 5 individuals including children and one elderly at my home, a regular water supply is very crucial for us. We do not consume tap water for some health reasons.
I request you to fix the problem and monitor your employees regularly, so your customers do not have to go through such troubles. If this keeps on happening, I am afraid I will have to terminate the contract with you.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to come by and meet me.
Thomas Jefferson,
1245 Westchester Rd,
Charlotte, NC

Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to you to lure your attention towards a grave matter for all the inhabitants of Westchester Road and that is the irregular supply of water.
It has been over two weeks now that we are witnessing a major change in the water supply of our area. Before, we used to get a 24/7 supply of water without any obstacle or trouble. Water was available throughout the day and night in every domestic tap.
Nevertheless, now sometimes we see a shortage of water during some hours in a day and a lot of times it vanishes in the nights. This fluctuation has disturbed our routines and life extremely as we are never sure when will the water disappear suddenly.
The cherry on top is, we were never warned about this and no one sent a notice even after one week. It has been two complete weeks now since this water shortage is happening, but we do not know what to do and who to complain to so far.
We request you to investigate the matter and evaluate the whole situation. The inhabitants of Westchester Road need your help desperately. We also request you to at least inform us of the schedule of this fluctuation, so we stay prepared until a permanent solution is found.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at [X] as I am selected as the spokesperson for the whole area.
Mike Thomas