Dear Bell,
I am writing his letter to you with great regret and sheer disappointment and thus I would like to register my complaint to you. Last month, I bought four pieces of furniture from your store with a warranty for 6-months each.
I purchased a queen-size bed, a three-seater sofa, a two-seater sofa, and a coffee table for my living room. While we were making the deal, your salesperson, his badge said Timothy Green and he was a short person with a bald head, proclaimed that the polish will not fade away and the furniture will not wear out in 6-months.
However, to my shock, it has been only one month now, and the wood color has already started vanishing away. The bed has turned black from chocolate brown and the sofa set is damaged badly. I am totally disappointed with the quality of your products.
I purchased all the items at full price only because your store flaunts quality and long durability as its fundamental work ethic. I have ordered several items before from your store, but it did not ever happen before.
Please investigate the matter and compensate me as you have mentioned in the warranty card. I have enclosed all the necessary documents in this letter including the invoice and the warranty card. I would really appreciate it if you could deal with this matter on an urgent basis since that was the only bed I had and, I do not even have a sofa to sleep on anymore.
Should you have any questions or need any additional information regarding my complaint. Please feel free to contact me at [X] or you can also write me an email at [email].
Shaun Wolf,
Customer ID: XYZ 135-6

To whom it may concern,
Subject: Complaint for damaged furniture
Dear Sir,
I have recently purchased a computer table cum office desk for my office from you last Thursday and I had conveyed my demands for the item clearly to your customer representative Elizabeth Buffet. My item has been delivered to the given address today and to my utmost disappointment, it is not the way I ordered it.
First, I requested an ivory color for the base, but it is pure white. Also, the abstract design was to be of blue color and what I have received is olive green. I had also explained quite unequivocally that I need 4 drawers attached to the table with locks.
Whereas the table has only one drawer with no lock option and, it stuck badly. I am shocked at your poor performance and I totally regret making a purchase from your store. It was my first experience with you and unfortunately, I will not be coming back to your store ever again.
Moreover, I badly needed the item to be delivered on Monday as I was promised but it reached me four days late after my several calls which are highly unprofessional.
I request you to fix the problems in two days or refund my money.
Joe Jefferson

See also: Complaint letter for missing of goods