It is to bring to your notice that we are not satisfied with the cleanliness service of our newly hired sweeper. He shows negligence in his duties. Clusters of garbage and waste materials can be seen in the streets of society. Due to his negligence, society’s environment has become unhealthy and unhygienic, and we all are vulnerable to being attacked by various diseases.
The matter has been discussed again and again in the council meetings, but no attention was paid to this issue. Regretfully, there is no use in building such a society whose management is not serious about the provision of basic health facilities to its residents.
You must remember that if due attention is not paid contagious diseases may spread in society. Consequently, our health will be at great risk, and we don’t want this to happen at any cost. We pay a reasonable amount to society management in lieu of cleanliness. Why don’t you fire such a sweeper who is not able to perform his duties well?
I have been living in society for the last 10 years. I have seen remarkable growth in the infrastructure of society. My children enjoyed a healthy living environment throughout. To avoid worsening the situation, I would request you pay immediate attention to the matter and take essential steps to resolve the problem.
If the problem remains unresolved, I will be forced to register a formal complaint on the online portal of the health ministry. In that case, you have to pay a heavy fine.
I hope you will not let the matter go that far and address this issue on a priority basis. We are waiting for an immediate and positive response from your side.
Subject: Complaint against sweeper [X] for [ABC]
Dear Manager,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint against the assigned sweeper of our society. He is not serious about performing his duty well. He sweeps partially and in an improper way, leaving many streets un-cleaned. Whenever we tried to talk with him, he replied in a bad manner. Apart from it, he does not sweep properly because a lot of dust can be seen in the streets, whenever he sweeps.
Clusters of garbage and waste materials have become evident everywhere in society. Due to his negligence, the air has become polluted, and we cannot even think about inhaling it. Food is no more hygienic due to the filthy conditions of society. Honestly speaking, he has put all of us at great health risk and he is deliberately ignoring his duty for unknown reasons.
It is also mentioned here that he collects 5 US$ per house on monthly basis for his garbage collection services. He collects this amount in addition to his regular pay. Considering him a needy person, this matter has never been brought to your notice before. But now, he has crossed all the limits of negligence and we do not want him in this society anymore.
This matter has been discussed many times in society meetings, but it seems that management is not serious about resolving this issue. Otherwise, essential steps must have been taken in this regard. It is being clarified that while doing so, you are playing with our health by means of your incapable sweeper and this is not tolerated at all.
In a good society, this is the basic right of each resident to be provided with proper health facilities along with a healthy and clean environment. All these things are kept in mind on a priority basis during the planning phase.
For this time, we are requesting you to either fire your sweeper or replace him with a skillful one. We are confining ourselves to a complaint letter only. If we observe the same unhygienic and poor sanitary conditions in society, higher authorities will then be invited to interfere. In that situation, you will be liable to pay a heavy fine on account of your negligence. I hope you will avoid that time and take the necessary steps.
We are waiting for a swift and positive response from your side.