Shop Rent Reduction Request Letter

Shop rent reduction request letter

1- Dear Mr. Ronald, I am Alexander Hughes and have been running my business in a shop that I have taken from you on rent for the last six years. We have established good terms as tenants and landlords and never disputed on any matter. Neither I gave you any complaint about rent nor did you provide me an opportunity to argue. In retaliation to the letter I got on Monday you were talking about the rent increase from the 15th of the coming month. I had already thought to…

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Letter of Intent for Cleaning Services

Letter of Intent for Cleaning Services

A letter of intent is a formal way of intimating an agreement, made between two companies, official to make it authentic and avoid any ambiguity. Oftentimes, when two companies make a contract or deal about a mutual project, they sign the contracts and agreements documents. However, this alone is not always sufficient proof as both parties have documents of their own. Not having a similar and shared document with the relevant details on the nature of the project written and validated from both ends can make grounds for any legal…

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Personal Leave Approval Letter to HR

Personal Leave Approval Letter to HR

1- I am forwarding you my formal request for approval of my personal leaves which I was discussing with you three days ago. You know that I have been working in this organization for the last three years. Throughout my stay here, I have been very punctual, and I have not taken even a single day off for the last three months. But now, I am facing health issues and suffering from spine pain. Due to this reason, my doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest for 10…

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Letter to Field Staff about Wearing Face Mask

Letter to Field Staff about Wearing Face Mask

1- I am Daniel Defoe, the manager o ABC Bakers situated in Michigan, Street 679. This letter serves as a notice to wear masks in bakery premises strictly.  Mr. Pope visited the bakery on Monday as a surprise visit where he found the staff member filling up and packing food items while not covering their faces with masks. He also noticed that workers had not worn gloves to cover hands. This thing comes under the breach of rules that have been set by the department of food authority. Food Authority…

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Employee Termination Letter for Absconding

Employee Termination Letter for Absconding

There are certain rules and regulations which every employee working in an organization has to abide by. These are basically underlined as the company’s code of conduct and any employee whose behavior does not comply with the code of conduct as laid down by the company becomes subject to serious action being taken against him. Termination is a process by which a company fires its employee with whom it no longer wishes to continue working due to his non-conducive behavior. Termination is not an immediate step taken by the company…

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COVID-19 Work Policy Letter to Staff

COVID-19 Work Policy Letter to Staff

1- Hope you all are doing fantastic in the current situation. I am Ronal Astrum, the CEO of [X] Company, New Jersey. The purpose of this letter is to bring in your kind notice the policies for all the staff of the Company related to COVID-19. As per the widespread increase of COVID-19 all over the world, almost all the major government and non-government institutions have made policies for their workers and most of them have stopped working. This policy has been designed by keeping in view the priorities of…

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Letter of Concern to Courier Services

Letter of concern to courier services

1- The purpose of writing this letter is to complain about the poor delivery system of your company. I have been sending things from your courier service, but I am facing this issue for the last two months. On Monday 12 September 20XX I had delivered a package via [X] services and handed over to one of the workers there. I am so much worried and stressed regarding your poor services as one and half month has been passed but the package has not been delivered to the concerned person.…

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Request Letter to Landlord to Reduce Rent due to Maintenance Issues

Request Letter to Landlord to Reduce Rent due to Maintenance Issues

1- I hope you are having a great week. I am Christine Meghan and living currently in your accommodation that is in North Hamilton, Street 60. I have been living here for the past five years. The basic aim behind writing this letter is to seek your attention towards the maintenance issues in the accommodation and to request you to reduce rent because there are lots of things that need to be repaired on an urgent basis. This is not the first time that I am asking you to repair…

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Punctuality Circular to Employees

Punctuality circular to employees

1- I am writing this circular after observing irregularities within the office premises for the last three months. You have all been notified through a circular about office timings which are from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. What I have observed was that the whole staff is not reporting to your workplace on time and in this way, you are exhibiting misconduct which is not a tolerable practice. This is also a violation of the code of conduct that has been made by the company for its employees. Keeping in…

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Final Warning Letter for Lateness

Final Warning Letter for Lateness

1- This warning letter is being sent to you because you have failed to perform your functions as required by our company. It was reported to me yesterday by your manager that you are not submitting the assigned work on time and in this way, you are continuously failing to meet the deadline which is an alarming situation. The most problematic thing which he reported to me was that you have arrived over half an hour late at the workplace on six different occasions within a period of the last…

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Warning Letter to Employee for Gross Misconduct

Warning Letter to Employee for Gross Misconduct

1- This letter serves as a formal warning letter and is to substantiate in writing our meeting of 20-09-20XX regarding your gross misconduct and to indicate my suppositions that I have formulated in order to set your performance to be set in motion forthwith. You are therefore warned of auxiliary punitive action if your conduct is not improved. I have formulated this precautionary evaluation to help you to reshape your work to a better standard according to the appraisal that has been mentioned in your resume. In your previous employee…

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Letter to Claim Salary Arrears

Letter to Claim Salary Arrears

1- Hope you are having a great time. I am Linda Marlin; Project Manager in Marry Land Organization and I am working in this organization since 1998. I have given almost 20 years’ service in the organization and as far as the service policy of the organization is concerned, it was decided in the marketing affairs committee almost five months ago that salary will be given in increments. The committee had decided this decision in April 20XX, and it had to be executed from 1st October 2020.  The purpose of…

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Letter of Concern for Missing Deadline

Letter of Concern for Missing Deadline

I am Paulo Leon, HR of the XYZ Company.  I am sending you this letter as a reprimand for not meeting the deadlines. We appoint employees in our company based on their credibility and potentiality to meet office deadlines. We are in competition with one of the best companies in the town and the urge to move forward is increasing day by day and in this competitive environment and tough race we want our employees to be punctual, competitive, and potential. You know punctuality does not mean attending meetings and…

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Termination Letter for Misbehaving with Female Staff

Termination Letter for Misbehaving with Female Staff

1- The grounds for writing this letter are to notify you of your termination on the account of misbehaving with a female staff member from the position of assistant executives in XYZ Organization. The organization is agreed upon the decision of terminating from the said post after examining your conduct with female staff members from the past five months. After observing your behavior, we have come up with the decision to terminate you based on certain points. You have behaved ruthlessly with Miss Julia who is the director of the…

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Change Salary Account Intimation to Employer

Change Salary Account Intimation to Employer

1- I am writing this letter to inform you regarding the change in my salary transfer account. I am Adam Robe and working as a marketing manager assistant in your company. It has been five years now since I am working here. The salary I get each month is 5,000$ together with allowances. Because of some reason, I have closed the bank account that was in my use earlier. My old account number was [123-0000000] and due to technical issues, I cannot move further with it. I want you to…

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