Letter 1: Apology Letter to Friend for Being Rude
I am writing this letter seeking your forgiveness for my rude behavior to you the other day. I feel extremely regretful about what happened. You are one of my oldest and dearest friends and I can never imagine losing you.
I take complete responsibility for my unacceptable behavior. Nevertheless, I would still request you to give me a chance to explain myself.
It has been a very stressful week for me with overdue office deadlines. My boss has been driving me crazy with huge piles of work while our clients have been constantly getting on my last nerve. I have been feeling really cranky the entire week. I finally lost my temper over that minor argument with you. I know there is still no excuse for me to shout at you and say mean things the way I did. I feel ashamed of myself. In fact, right after that moment of
I cannot stress enough how remorseful I have been feeling. I am extremely sorry for hurting you. I request you to give me another chance and forget about what happened. I will never ever behave in such an outrageous way with you again. I hope we can move past this for the sake of our
You have always been a source of support to me during hard times. This is one of those times with an over-demanding job and a stressful routine. I need you today as I have always needed you to be there for me. I anxiously await your response.

Letter 2: Apology letter to Friend for not being in touch
I hope you are doing well and life is treating you good. It has been a long time since we last met. I want to apologize for not being able to stay in touch. Being a mother of 2 kids keeps me extremely busy. I have lost touch with several of my good friends including you. But I really want to make up for the lost time and catch up with you.
I can’t believe it has been almost 4 years since the last time we got together. Our last telephone conversation took place a year back. You have been asking me every now and then to come over to your place but I just could not find the right time to meet you again or call you up. My youngest daughter, Sarah is very demanding. She is 2 years old now and keeps me on my toes. Managing all the housework and dealing with Sarah while carrying on with my office job takes up all my time. I hardly get a chance to socialize or catch up with old buddies. This is the reason why I haven’t been able to reply to your messages or call you up all this time. I am sure you will understand and forgive me.
I miss our college days when we used to see each other every day. However, since our graduation, life changed rapidly. Job, marriage and kids added loads to my list of responsibilities. As a result, it just kept getting harder and harder for me to maintain contact with you or other friends. I do want to stress that I have not become estranged with you for any reason. In fact, you are always in my heart. I would love to catch up with you soon.
Let’s not waste more time and get together soon. I will try to keep in touch more often this time. Hope to see you soon.

Letter 3: Apology Letter to a friend for not attending the party
I hope you had a wonderful time at your celebration party this Friday. Please accept my apology for not being able to attend the event. I missed the party due to an unannounced arrival of guests at my house. I hope you will understand and forgive me.
My wife’s cousin, Mike arrived with his wife and four kids this Friday afternoon. I got busy settling them down in our guest room and had to run to the supermarket to buy extra groceries. All this hustle and bustle drove your party out of my mind. This is the reason I couldn’t even inform you that I wouldn’t be able to come.
I wanted to celebrate your promotion with you at your party. However, I could not do so owing to the circumstances. In order to make it up to you, I would like to invite you and your family over dinner this Sunday. Please don’t refuse this invitation. Let’s celebrate together and enjoy some fun time.
Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for not being able to show up to your party. I hope you forgive me and let me be your host this Sunday.

Letter 4: Apology letter to friend for not being there
Congratulations at your wedding. I hope the new phase of your life is going to be wonderful. I must state that I feel regretful for not being there for you on your big day. Please accept my sincere apology and forgive me for breaking your expectations. I can’t stress enough how sorry I feel for not being able to make it to the most special day of my best friend’s life.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I got stuck with certain demanding commitments. I know I should have been there for you to help you with your wedding arrangements. You must have been expecting to see me at the pre-wedding functions as well. However, I ended up disappointing you badly by not even making it to the wedding day. Friends never leave each other in the lurch on important events. Please do not think that I turned my back on you or didn’t consider your wedding important enough. In fact, I have been feeling sorry for missing this special event. I resent the circumstances that prevented me from being there for you.
Please do let me know how I can make it up to you. I promise to try my best to be there for you whenever you need me in future. I hope you forgive me and give me another chance.

Letter 5: Apology Letter to a Friend you Hurt
I feel lost for words as I write this letter to apologize to you for what happened last week. I know there is no excuse for misbehavior. But I also know that you are a very kind person and have always cherished our friendship. So, please forgive me for hurting you and give me another chance. I can’t explain how sorry I feel.
You are one of my dearest friends. We have been together since college days and you have always been there for me through thick and thin. I am sorry I have been taking you for granted lately. I didn’t realize what I was saying before those hurtful words came out. I feel truly ashamed and take complete responsibility for my behavior. Please trust me when I say that this won’t ever happen again. I will always give you the respect that you deserve.
It’s true that we never truly acknowledge the value of something till we have lost it. I haven’t seen you since last week and it makes me realize how important you are to me. It makes me feel upset that you haven’t been responding to my calls or messages. I really miss you. Please don’t punish me through this estrangement.
I know you are mad at me. After what I did, I don’t blame you for being angry at me. But please don’t ignore me. I request you to answer my phone calls and talk to me about how you feel. You may even shout at me; I deserve it. Let’s talk it over and resolve the issue. I would love to have my wonderful friend back.

Letter 6: Funny apology letter to a friend
I want to apologize to you for embarrassing you in front of your fiancé the other day. I must have left my brain at home before blurting out your embarrassing childhood memories.
I am sure you must have hired a hitman for me after the mortifying incident. Well, that’s ok; I deserve it! But please ask him to use an alternative to shoot as I am just a tad bit scared of bullets.
On the other hand, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me and spare my life, I will do your chores for you for as long as you want. When you get married and have babies, I will babysit your kids, feed them, burp them and change their dirty diapers. So, think about it! Forgiveness is just a phone call away.

Letter 7: Apology Letter to Friend’s Mom
I want to begin by thanking you for everything you have done for me. Please accept my apologies for creating any trouble I might have caused you during my stay at your house this week.
I realize how my presence caused an extra burden on you. You had to cook meals for two teenaged boys who are almost always feeling famished. I am sorry we never lent you a hand for any chores. I apologize for being so inconsiderate towards you while you worked all day long for us without a frown on your face.
Thank you for being so kind and hospitable. I feel bad for making you overworked because of my stay. I promise when I come over next time, Eric and I will help you with your chores.
Once again, sorry for the hard time I gave you this week. I hope you forgive me.

Letter 8: Apology Letter to Friend for misunderstanding
I am writing this letter to apologize for the misunderstanding that led to the unpleasant incident last night. I feel awful for putting you in an awkward situation with your family. I am willing to come over any time you ask to explain to your wife what really happened. I promise if such a situation arises again in future, I would clarify things with you before jumping to any conclusions.
Please accept my sincere apologies. Let me treat you and your family to dinner this weekend to make up for all the bitterness of last night.