My name is Johnson, and I am working as a marketing officer in your company since 2002. I am sincerely apologizing for being late from the office on [date]. I can understand the inconvenience you have faced due to my late coming on a very important day of the meeting. It was realized to me later that we were on the verge of losing a very important project.
I admit my fault with deep regret but at the same time, I want to let you know that I did not do it deliberately. It all happened due to a situation that was created at the time when I was leaving my home for the office.
On [date], I got ready for the office and was about to leave the home. At that time, I received a call from my daughter’s school bus driver that he would not be able to pick her up today because the bus was out of order. The irony of fate was that it was the final paper of the final exam for my daughter on [date] and she was getting late too. Without wasting a moment, I picked her up and dropped her just in front of her school.
On my way to the office, I faced a huge crowd. Its participants were protesting and they had blocked the road which was leading towards the office. I took another way and continued towards the office. Meanwhile, all traffic had been diverted to the alternative way. I tried my best but failed to reach it on time. Due to an emergency, it took me 30 minutes more than the usual time and I became late for the office by 45 minutes.
I have always been loyal to the company and never wanted to be late on important occasions. I was very excited to attend the meeting but unfortunately, due to an emergency, I became late for the office. I am extremely sorry for the embarrassment you felt that day. I request you consider my unprofessionalism as the first mistake and accept my sincerest apology.
I am aware of the consequences due to my late coming to the office. Please do not issue me an explanation letter and give me a chance to regain my trust. I will never repeat such unprofessional behavior again.
Yours sincerely,
-> The letter can also be served as an explanation for being late to the office.
(Sample -2)
Subject: Apology for being late to the office
Dear Sir,
I have no words to express my feelings of sorry for being late from the office on [date]. You have arranged an important meeting with a potential client and you had to cancel it due to my late arrival at the office. This was a meeting I had been waiting for so long but due to unavoidable circumstances, I became late.
Being the marketing manager of the company, I was supposed to deliver a presentation before our potential client on recent marketing trends. I can understand that due to my unprofessional behavior, we had to face serious consequences and I am apologizing for the same reason.
On [date], when I got ready for the office, my wife started crying due to severe chest pain. I had to take her to the hospital because her pain was getting out of control. Thank God, it was just a gastric pain that was revealed after ECG.
I am a loyal employee of the company and my name has never been included in the list of latecomers. Whatever happened that day was unintentional and I was not anticipating that. I should have informed you or any senior colleague about my condition.
I have been with this company since [date]. Considering my long service and loyalty, please give me a second chance to regain my trust. I promise that such a mistake will not be repeated by me in the future. If I ever get late due to emergency or unavoidable circumstances, I will inform you first. I hope you will accept my apology.
Yours sincerely.