Re. Termination of the Lease
Dear Mr. [NAME], Due to different reasons, I have decided to end our month-to-month lease which will be effective after [DATE]. We are planning to renovate the house and sell it within a month. I need to invest some amount in my business which impels me to sell my house. I am very sorry if it causes you any trouble.
On [DATE], we entered into a contract/agreement of a month-to-month lease. You paid an advance payment of $X and paid monthly rent. I have checked out that you have not paid the rent for the previous month which will be deducted from the amount paid in advance. According to my calculations, I owe you an amount of $X.
Advance paid on [DATE]: $X
Outstanding Rent: $X
Amount of advance payment to be returned: $X
I also have attached the copies of required documents. I have sent a copy of the letter to the Local Residents and Tenancy Center of the Local government office. You are advised to cooperate with the plan and please evacuate the house on [DATE]. I hope you will understand.
I have been going through a financial crunch tide in my business. Therefore, I am compelled to make this unwanted move. I apologize if this termination causes any inconvenience. If you have any reservations or queries regarding Thank you.
Call me if you have any queries.
(Sample -2)
Re. Termination of Lease (Month-to-Month)
Dear Tenant,
I am your landlord, [NAME], writing to terminate our agreement on a month-to-month lease. Please read further for alternatives offered. The month-to-month lease plan is outdated and it requires a lot of consideration through bank and official documentation. To renew the contract every month, I have to visit the L&TCs Center of State Government, [CITY]. Due to this needful visit, I sacrifice many hours just to renew the contract. Many times, government officials demand further inquiries which wastes a lot of time.
Therefore, I have decided to terminate the month-to-month lease agreement. I can offer you further alternatives to deal with the termination and get a smoother time. You can avail of the yearly plan if you want to stay here for a long time. Currently, I am unable to offer any monthly or six-months plan. Due to the sudden economic downfall and financial emergencies, I have decided to offer only yearly plans.
For the yearly plan, you will have to pay 20% of your rent in advance which will be saved as an agreement advance. It will be adjusted with your rent of last month whenever terminated. Please, respond to me as soon as possible if you have any plans to avail of the offer. I have many offers in the pipeline and the deadline is [DATE]. Please respond before [DATE]. We can meet to discuss this further if required. Thank you.
Attached are the tenant letter copy, agreement copy, and approval.
Referred to [NAME]