Justify Upgrading a Job Position
I am writing to make a request to the management for my promotion. I have been serving this organization as the Assistant Manager in the Quality department for the last 10 years. During this time, I have worked with dedication and have performed my job duties well. I have also gained considerable experience working in this company. I believe I can now handle a more responsible job position. I, therefore, request you upgrade my designation.
I have been working conscientiously to fulfill my job responsibilities. I have also been accepting new challenges for the growth of the organization. The company has been entrusting me with carrying out quality inspections at our overseas branches. I have also filled in for the Head of the Quality department for 2 months during his absence in January and February 20XX. The management trusts my capabilities whenever a challenge arises.
As a committed employee, I have never refused to accept extra responsibilities. I believe I deserve to be promoted since I have proved that I can handle much more than my current designation requires.
Although I have always been a loyal employee, working for a decade without any professional growth can be extremely demoralizing. I request the management to provide me with an incentive in the form of a well-deserved promotion.
I sincerely hope you will take my request into consideration. Looking forward to your response.
Justify hiring a new candidate
I am writing to request permission for hiring a new Assistance Manager for the Quality Assurance department. Since the business merger of our organization with ABC Company, the QA team has been overburdened and understaffed. Getting a new employee onboard is an immediate requirement for us.
Currently, the QA Manager has to supervise (details of duties) for both organizations. An Assistant Manager can share his workload and improve work efficiency. In fact, it will boost the morale of the entire team who feels overworked at the moment. On the contrary, if they are compelled to continue working without additional help, they are soon going to feel demotivated. This may lead to employee turnover and further complications for the company.
I understand the organization’s budget constraints. Hiring a new employee is obviously going to add to the company’s expenses. However, once our work efficiency increases, the overall performance of our team will be enhanced. This is in turn very important for maintaining the quality of our organization. Therefore, hiring a new candidate will be very beneficial for us in the long run.
Your immediate attention to this request is required. I look forward to your response.
Justification letter for replacement of job position
I have been working at ABC organization for the past 5 years as Assistant Administrator in the IT department. I would like to request the management for the replacement of my job position due to the reasons discussed below.
I am basically a software engineer and will perform much better as a Technical Supervisor in the company. Other than my qualifications, I have hands-on experience in software development as well as troubleshooting. I am also skilled to manage all types of software used by the company. I can carry out the required regular upgrading processes for these programs in order to stay up-to-date with technological advancements.
My current job responsibilities are limited to paperwork. During my 5 years in the company, I haven’t had the opportunity to practice my actual skills as a software engineer. Instead of wasting the talent I have, I would like to offer my services to the organization in a technical role. I, therefore, request you to replace my job designation with the one mentioned above.
I will really appreciate your consideration of my request.
Justification letter for promotion
I am writing to request the management to consider Ahmed Batool for promotion. As his supervisor, I have been assessing his performance on regular basis. He is extremely competent, hardworking, and dedicated. He is capable of acting in a supervisory role due to his responsible nature as well as potential leadership qualities. Therefore, he can be considered for the designation of Sales Manager in our new branch in Islamabad.
During his 3 years of service in the XYZ branch, he has been performing exceptionally well as a salesperson. He has impressive interpersonal skills which help him communicate well with customers. At the same time, his convincing nature makes our clients show a keen interest in purchasing our products.
He also comes up with great ideas to attract customers and further increase sales. As a manager in the new branch, Batool can turn out to be very productive at kick-starting sales and maintaining consistency.
Batool deserves a chance to work to his full potential through a promotion. The management should seriously consider my recommendation. I shall be available for any information regarding this matter.
Justification for Salary Increase
I would like to formally request the management to review my current pay and consider giving me an increment. I have been working as the Sales Manager for the past five years. During this time, my job description has been updated with added responsibilities.
Moreover, I have often been working overtime and dealing with an extra workload since the expansion of our flagship store in Lahore. I would appreciate it if my extra efforts were awarded a salary increase by the company.
You can evaluate my track record and professional achievements at the company. I have been consistent with my performance and have always met the company’s annual sales target. So far I have been dealing with (list of duties).
However, since last year, I have been assigned some new responsibilities which include (a list of new duties). I have been managing all the additional workload for over a year without any salary increment. It would be kind of the management to consider giving me a raise owing to all the above-stated reasons.
I will be available anytime to discuss this matter further. I am also open to negotiation with respect to the increment amount. I shall appreciate your cooperation.