Dear Colleague, it was a thrilling experience working alongside you. I will miss all the rollercoasters of mixed emotions and sleepless days we had while working on mutual projects. Thank you for making my years at the company seem like a fun experience full of excitement and joy. I will never forget you!
Amigos, as I am celebrating my last day party with you all at the company I knew as my home, my heart is drowning in the ocean of sadness for I will not be able to share all the crazy hours with you again. But I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making my stay comfortable at the company.
Friend, I genuinely reckon all the contributions you made for my growth and professional well-being. I hope your new colleague in my placement will have a chance to enjoy your amazing company as well. I really appreciate all the help you did. Thank you!
They say everyone has to go through their own trials at the workplace because no one is your friend. But you proved it wrong with your compassionate and loyal nature. Please accept this message as my formal appreciation for being my best work buddy. It was a blast working with you!
I cannot believe we shared 5-years together in one cabin. Time does fly quickly when you are with your favorite person! As I am all geared up for embarking on my next journey, I would like to conclude this one with an appreciation note. Thank you friend for making these years the best ones of my professional life!
I can’t thank you enough for being an amazing partner to work with. Your smile is the most intense moment that gave me hope for a better result every time we were stuck in a project together. Thank you for being there through my thick and thin.
I take it as a great honor to have been working with you. You are the best colleague one could pray for. I hope I could return all the favors you did one day. Please accept this formal message and a small present as a token of gratitude from me.
Throughout all these years I spent in your company, there was not a single moment I did not learn something valuable from you. Thank you for helping me expand my horizons and always learn new skills. You are an amazing person and I pray you to go to places you had never thought of before!
What could be better than having a colleague who is willing to mentor you? I was lucky enough to have you as my work guru and my well-wisher. I will always remember you in good words wherever I go. Thank you for all the great work you did for me.
I am sad for not being able to learn from you again, but I am also glad that at least I had the opportunity to. Thank you for making my time enjoyable at this company.