Hope you will be fine sir. I am Jacob Paul and writing this message to seek an apology from you for coming late to the workplace yesterday. It is a very unethical attitude to come late to the office and I admit this. My whole project team suffered from my negligence a lot. I assure you that it was for the very first and last time that I came late. I will never do this act again. I will try my best to reach the office on time. Yesterday’s incident has made me so ashamed and you all suffered because of me. I expect that my way of expressing sorry will represent my regret feelings. My experience of working in your organization is really wonderful and I want to continue it in the future.
Edward Pasteur
Dear Mr. Marlow,
I am Louis Paul and working in your company for the post of assistant directing manager for the past couple of years. I try to be punctual the day I have joined here. There can be some unfavorable circumstances that can pave way for coming late. The purpose of my writing this message is to say sorry for coming late yesterday. I was on my way to the office that in the midway the tire of my car got punctured and there was no shop nearby where I could go to get it repaired. It was ruptured badly and I could not drive it. I called the mechanic and it took him one hour to reach. The repairing process took a lot of time and after that, I got stuck in the traffic and it took one more hour to each office. I am really sorry for coming late and I assure you that this situation will never occur again. I hope that you will understand my situation and will pardon me. Thanking in anticipation.
Pinky Chauhan
Dear Mr. Louis,
I am extremely sorry for coming late to the office yesterday and apologize deeply. I was ready to come to the office that suddenly my wife fell off the stairs and I rushed to hospital in hurry. It took me three hours there to get her to the hospital and returning back home. I forgot to inform you on time. I did not want to get leave because of today’s meeting. I am so sorry for providing inconvenience and disturbance. I promise that if the next such kind of incident occurs I will let you know on time. Keeping in view aforesaid circumstances I hope that you understand me well. I would be very thankful to you for forgiving me this time. Thank you.
Eustacia Vype
Dear Mr. Neil,
Hope you will be fine sir. I am Martha Louis and working in the finance department in your organization. I am writing this message to apologize for my yesterday’s behavior. I reached the office two hours late and unfortunately Mr. Smith, CEO of the Company was on a surprising visit and it put my wrong impression in front of him that I come late to the office daily. Sir it all happened by chance. On the highway, I came across an accident as a result I got stuck there. During all this, I did not find time to inform you. I am a regular and punctual employee here and did not come late ever. But for this time I am extremely sorry for coming late. I hope that you will understand me well.
Mathew Arnold
Dear Mr. Belsen,
I am writing this message as a sincere apology on account for coming late to the office yesterday. The reason for this was that I got stuck in traffic for two hours. There was the procession on the road without any prior notice. I was not expecting all this. As I was heading towards the office there were hundreds of cars standing in the row before me. It took me two hours to stand there and get out of traffic. I regret deeply for creating fuzziness to you and my colleague and I assure you that next nothing of such kind occurs and I will adopt some necessary measures. I have always found you sincere and affectionate towards your employees and I hope that you will apologize to me. I will compensate for this time loss by working some additional hours.
Marie Brown