Different countries have different rules concerning marriage. When one goes to a foreign country and is already married or wants to get married there, they may be some rules that they have to follow. It is important to do this properly so that no problem is faced later.
What is an Affidavit as to Marital Status in a Foreign Country?
An affidavit as to marital status in a foreign country is an affidavit that is needed by some countries by the parties, like proof of legal capacity to enter into the marriage contract. This can be done like a notarized affidavit that is executed before the consular office of the country of the person concerned.
What to Include in an Affidavit as to Marital Status in a Foreign Country?
If you need to make an affidavit as to marital status in a foreign country, you can consider the below points:
- Heading- It can be an “Affidavit as to marital status taken in a foreign country.”
- The main document- Start with “I” then the name of the person will be here, then “of” state where the person is from. After this can be words like “make oath and say like follows: -”. There will be points now. Start by stating that marriage has been proposed to become solemnized between me and leave some space for your spouse. You need to write where they are from after the word “of”. In the second point, you need to confirm that the marriage is legal and there is no reason it should not occur. Tell where you are staying and for how long, in a foreign country. In the next point, you can confirm that you are not below the legal marriage age present in that country. Also, state that there is no person whose consent is required by law for that marriage.
- Next details- Tell where the affidavit has been “sworn at”. You also need to state the date, where it was signed by you, and where it was signed.
- Signatures– It is necessary to have signatures to make the affidavit authentic. If there are no signatures, then the document is not authentic. A slot for the signature of the deponent and the signature of the consular officer needs to be present. The official seal of the consular officer is required as well.
- Professional wording– It is important that the affidavit is written with professional words and without any mistakes. This is because it is a legal document.
The possible advantages of the affidavit are:
- Is a solid document showing that a certain marriage of a foreigner is legal in another country?
- Can be used as proof if required later in case any issue arises.
The affidavit as to marital status taken in a foreign country needs to be made without any mistakes and following all legal rules.
The Template
Subject: Affidavit stating the marital status of someone in a foreign country
This statement letter is being written on demand of the concerned authorities. After collecting all the details about the marital status of the required person, this is to be stated through this letter that Mr. Johnson Lee S/O Robert, born on [mention date], aged 25, residing in Lane park street, Ontario, Canada. He is Christian by religion, a banker by profession, and a native citizen of Switzerland, bearing passport no. [1234].
Hereby, his marital status is being declared as single. He had never been married, has no spouse living with him in this country, and has also not been reported to have prohibited relations that fall under the category of breaching customs. Presently, he is legally free to marry.
Further, he has a census record here in Ontario and has presented the image of his house registration in my office as evidence of all the above-mentioned facts. So, consider this statement letter in his favor. If you have any further queries regarding this, I can be contacted at [X].
Thank you!