For non-professional behavior
This letter is being issued to you as a warning for your unprofessional behavior in the office. It has been reported to the management that you habitually gossip about your co-workers. This is disrupting our otherwise peaceful working environment. You are, therefore, strictly advised to adopt a professional attitude and quit gossiping.
You will be under observation from now onwards. Any more complaints about you regarding this issue shall result in serious consequences. The organization appreciates your work and would regret taking disciplinary action against you. Therefore, we hope you take immediate notice of this warning.
For carelessness at work
You are being issued an official warning for your carelessness at work. You have exhibited a non-serious attitude towards your job on several occasions. Your supervisor is extremely unhappy with your work. The organization expects a drastic improvement in your performance if you wish to retain your job.
The company acknowledges your skills and capabilities. It is only your work attitude that needs to be improved. Your performance will be closely monitored by your supervisor over the next two months. You are advised to be extremely careful and serious about all the tasks assigned to you. Follow your supervisor’s instructions and work under his guidance.
For unacceptable behavior
The company has taken serious notice of the unpleasant incident that took place on (date) in the office. Your mistreatment and verbal abuse of our support staff member, (name) are completely unacceptable. You are, hereby, issued a strict warning. No such behavior will be tolerated in the future.
You are required to attend a disciplinary meeting on (date) at (time). This meeting will be headed by (names). You are also required to go through the company’s policies regarding the behavior of employees with coworkers and office staff. Any display of arrogance or the use of harsh words and foul language is absolutely unacceptable. The company strives to maintain a peaceful work environment where employees must work in harmony with each other. Any issues should be reported to the management instead of resorting to arguments, mistreatment, or bad language.
You must take this warning seriously. Any future complaint regarding the same matter shall result in your suspension.
For poor performance
This letter is being issued in response to your progress report handed in by your supervisor, XYZ. We regret to inform you that you have not been performing up to the company’s standards. You are advised to bring an improvement or face disciplinary action.
You were hired by HR due to your past sales experience as well as qualifications. However, we are afraid you might lose your post unless you reach your assigned monthly targets. You are expected to work harder, improve your communication with the clients and contribute to the company’s revenue.
You may contact the manager for further guidance. It is hoped that you take this warning letter seriously and work efficiently towards the improvement of your work performance.
For inadequate presence at work
This letter is being issued in response to your manager’s complaint regarding your inadequate presence at the workplace. You have exceeded the number of allowed casual and sick leaves this year. This has affected your work performance and has increased the burden on your teammates. You must establish regularity in order to avoid facing disciplinary action.
The company sympathizes with you for your mother’s poor health condition. This has been the reason for your frequent leaves from the office. However, we do not tolerate absenteeism from the job as it leads to missed targets, delayed work, and overall poor work performance. You must, therefore, make alternate arrangements to take care of your mother. Make sure your work performance is not affected in any way in the future.
In case you continue to be absent from work, the company will have no choice but to replace you with a more efficient and dedicated employee. Therefore, in order to retain your job, you are strictly advised to focus on your work and observe regularity and punctuality.